Page 38 - Art-Addiction
P. 38
tatJaNa PoCeVsKa
1971 born in skopje, Macedonia
lives and works in skopje, Macedonia
The works of graphic art produced by Tatjana Pocevska reveal, on one hand, a sovereign mastery of the
magniloquent graphic media on one hand and, at the same time, a sharp and subtle observation of nature and
abstract forms molded by rich microcosmic elements. We can ‘read’ the horizontal or vertical lines of various
dynamic structures ensnared in surfaces akin to geometric shapes as a symbiosis between nature and the
urban intervention of humans. We are touched by the force of Pocevska’s esthetics. One can discover in these
artistic structures an inner essence, similar to the work of Jack Burnham, who transposed the notion of struc-
turalism from linguistics into the realm of art so that pure art forms became the agents of cultural, social, and
mythical structures of the very reality from which they have emerged. It is in this sense that we understand the
comment made by the author herself with respect to her creations: “My works of graphic art are enfolded in a
placenta from where they stimulate the viewer with their structure”. May we just add that one feels a strong
energetic charge when standing close to and observing with a deep reflection the enigmatic structures of her
small monotypes. (MArUsHA AVgUsHTIn, an eXtraCt FroM eXhiBition CatalogUe)
34 ARTaddiction