Page 138 - Art-Addiction
P. 138
1946 born in norway
lives and works in noosa sound, Australia
svein Koninger’s artwork is of the abstract-expressionist school, as indicated by his own words: “I always
maintained my passion for art, throughout the years in business, drawing and experimenting with many diffe-
rent mediums and styles. It was abstract expressionism that eventually drew me away from realism as it is the
one style of painting that truly allows the artist to reveal his personality through spontaneity.” svein’s canvases
have been described as hungry, swirling, gutsy, artworks, toweled and grafted with vibrant colour and energy.
This is an artist who works with intense physicality, always working to music, and like one of the north Ameri-
can forefathers of abstract expressionism, Jackson Pollock, svein works with his canvases placed in a horizon-
tal position. For svein, inspiration is found in the process of exploration with paint. Like Pollack, he is seen as a
‘high-octane’ painter who drips, splashes, and layers paint in sweeping movements of palette knife and trowel.
As he says: “While I may begin a painting with the vision of a certain colour or a specific theme, I never really
know exactly what form the finished work will take. I simply allow my instinct to guide my hands and draw
inspiration from the process of creation. The one constant in my work is my expression of vibrant colour and
energy.” He says further that he wants to take people out of their everyday life by creating an evolving fusion
of energy and colour. sometimes, svein says, he feels that there is a connectedness between the journey of
the ‘soul’ in life and the expressions that appear on canvas. However, the artist states categorically that there
is no political or social statement in his work. The infusing of life, vitality, essence of soul, rhythm, and stunning
vibrant color, indubitably account for the value and desirability that domestic and international clients place on
svein Koninger’s artworks.
134 ARTaddiction