Page 137 - Art-Addiction
P. 137
MarCo ZaPPa
1965 born in viterbo, italy
lives and works in Milano, italy
The details and materials are taken from the artist’s surroundings, especially from the Hebrew language
Mans fullest expression of physical and creative power is realized in the products of his labor, or in the
and literature. The artist works in various sizes (from three meters to postage stamp size). she tries to capture
production of his works. The human body in its MOVeMenT causes energY, which is put to different purposes.
the tension between the form and the size, the subject and the technique. The approach is experimental, the
This is the essence of life: those men carry-on actions in the world, these actions give rise to works and these
process is central to the work and through it the ideas develop
works are judged. Corporal figures that act out their works on a physical plane are the same time realizing the
creative spiritual goals conceived while sleeping.
When an artist transcends reality in his work he hovers in a LIBerATIng FLIgHT. In this way he rises from
the corporal world and enters the spiritual world. This state of grace is the condition of a saint and perhaps
man’s greatest aim. However this seeming abstraction from reality is only apparent. The link to the real world is
maintained by the logical and emotional content of the artist’s activity. Therefore this “flight” does not bring the
artist away from life. It does not deny life. The moral strength and inner cohesion at the artist’s work brings him
closer to the mystery within. In the artists work the flying figure represents the unity of body and spirit in the
resurrection of Judgment day.
ETrUsCa - FlIGHT, 1994 oil on cAnvAs 150 x 200 cM. / 59 x 79 in.
ETrUsCa - MOVEMENT, 1994 oil on cAnvAs 120 x 170 cM. / 47 x 67 in.
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