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P. 134
edItH sUCHodreW
1953 born in eupatoria, ussr
lives and works in Aachen, germany
As a graphic artist edith suchodrew has produce many illustrations for publications. she has created
artwork for forty books as well as drawings for newspapers and magazines. Her cumulative body of work also
includes: watercolors, drawings, woodcuts in large form, oil paintings, silk painting, painting on porcelain, and
computer graphic and animation designs. Her oil paintings, computer graphics, animation, and watercolors,
represent a newfound ‘color’ period, after a ‘black and white’ phase in her artistic career. Large format oil
pictures with several, often tragic, themes, make her creative activities richer. Portraits and figurative painting
assume an important place in her art. she has produced series of watercolors on a variety of themes: Lands-
cape novels, symphony of the Woods, Arcs of Byzantine, Circles of Life, and Fantastic realities. edith suchod-
rew has, in her artistic life, developed a deep interest in different cultures of the world and has created a great
cycle of large watercolors under the title: On The Traces For Ancient Cultures. Artworks by edith suchodrew are
found in Museums and private collections in many countries. since 1982 she has worked in several different
mediums. Her first exhibition was in 1974 and, over the years, she has continued to work as a creative artist.
(dOrIs sUCHOdreW, DiPloMa Biologist /Physiologist)
FroM the series: a HOME OF THE sOUl, Nr. Ix, 2002 color coMPuter grAPhic (cg) 15 x 15 cM. / 6 x 6 in.
130 ARTaddiction