Page 124 - Art-Addiction
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       Born in Kaohsiung, taiwan
       lives and works in Minneapolis, Mn, u.s.A.

         staying true to her eastern religious and spiritual beliefs Yali Peng has developed a powerfully intimate
     artistic medium that, through integration of mind, body, and spirit, moves both artist and viewer closer to
     their true Buddha nature.  The result of her fierce personal journey is an interdisciplinary body of intensely
     emotional art works that transcend modern categorization. To view her work in the two or three dimensional   (PHOTO CredIT:  reBeCCA PAVLenKO)
     terms of a painting, photograph or sculpture does not address the deeper meaning of her artistic process.
     The influences of performance art used in many of her creations, while adding a decidedly contemporary
     fourth dimension, do not fully explain her complete submergence and unconditional surrender to the universe
     around her.  It is her sublime union of artistic technique and holistic philosophy that allows her to pursue an
     almost unworldly fifth dimension of pristine cosmic synergy. It is a lofty concept that demands she live; fully
     aware, open and focused in a true Buddhist’s sense of the word.  It insists that she search tirelessly for the
     ever-evolving means of sincere human expression, and that she allows the experiences of her integrated
     journey to flow through her freely and honestly. The resulting work, expressed with simple clarity, alludes to
     the terrifying beauty of a world unseen.
         ”JoUrney in searCh oF the trUth in hUMan eXPression” by MArK MILLer, Artistic director /Old gem Theater
         “My work is visual poetry capturing specific energy...” Yali
         Her arts philosophy is based on nichiren daishonin’s Buddhism (soka gakkai International.

        rEsTING pEaCEFUllY By yAli Peng, 9/4/02, inFrAred PhotogrAPhy With sePiA toning (PrInT BY rICH sILHA)
         praYING FOr pEaCE, 8/18/02, inFrAred PhotogrAPhy With sePiA toning
     PrOdUCed, dIreCTed, PerFOrMed, And TITLed BY YALI Peng, PHOTOgrAPHY BY Ted HALL (PrInT BY rICH sILHA)

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