Page 67 - ART POOL : 11 Contemporary Art Profiles
P. 67


           Floating  inside  the  womb  -  alone.  Diving  and  floating  In  the   surface, the breaking waves and the winds incessantly talk to
           ocean - the planet’s womb, alone. Inside the water alone with   each other. The depths remain silent. Transparent walls of water
           myself and the fish and the corals, surrounded by a blue abyss,   separate continents. The sun sinks in the sea, the stars explode
           immersed in it, twisting through it. The heavy ocean protects   briefly, above the ocean. Ancient waves of Rock, born from the
           us, envelops us, like a cocoon. No sounds come out of it. At the   depths of the Earth: an island. Alone on the island. Memories of a
                                                                 distant city: walking on the main streets, joining the crowd. Still
                                                                 alone. It rains. The drops of rain smash into the ocean. Reunited
                                                                 with their source loose their identity. They are no longer alone.
           |  FloATinG, 2005 phoToGrAphy                         What is OUR source?
           |  UnderwATer reeFs, 2005 oil pAsTel on pAper 12x8 in. | 30x20 Cm.
           |  GoinG For A swim, 2005 pAsTel on pAper 8x10 in. | 20x25 Cm.
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