Page 65 - ART POOL : 11 Contemporary Art Profiles
P. 65
Curiosity being a hallmark of how many people go through life, I believe
people are continually looking around at faces, objects, shapes, colors -
the world. In my world, painting is always about the language of visual
communication as seen through the impact of color and abstracted,
sometimes mysterious, shapes. Color is always my primary motivator.
Painting, for me, is about the translating of my perceptions, responses,
thoughts, to the canvas, the paper, the computer monitor. I might
lightly sketch, but then I just work. It’s a matter of putting in the time.
waiting for the Muse to visit and tap me on the shoulder is a wonderful
possibility, but in the meantime, I work and paint and continuously try
new ideas, continuously have internal conversations and ultimately
trust my instincts and experience. I work intensely focused, choosing
the luscious colors that “whisper” to me from the corners of my eyes.
And when the Muse visits, I enjoy and I savor.
| swimminG TUesdAy wednesdAy, diGiTAl ArTwork CreATed in Corel pAinTer
| FloATinG world, diGiTAl ArTwork CreATed in Corel pAinTer
| liQUidiTy, diGiTAl ArTwork CreATed in Corel pAinTer