Page 73 - Van Que | Nature Woman / Feme Nature
P. 73

même,  jamais  divorcé,  que  j’occupais  la  place         was  already  the  “Grande  M”.  In  Les  Pennes-
             de “première épouse”, qu’il était un bon père de            Mirabeau, Qué continued with J; then it was M,
             famille qui ne fuyait pas ses responsabilités. Des          who accompanied him for 20 years.
             compromis, donc, mais que je n’ai jamais regrettés.        Why did I accept that? Firstly, I was fairly open-
             Pendant ce temps, nos filles  grandissaient, passaient      minded, I understood Qué’s needs, his appetite
             leur bac, faisaient des études. Notre aînée à Paris,        for life, his desire to seduce, his deep need for
             aux Arts Déco, la cadette à Aix-en-Provence, pour          variety,  freedom,  flights  of  fancy,  which  could
             devenir Ingénieur en Informatique.                          not be satisfied by conventional family life and
             Quand  toutes  les  deux  entamaient  une  belle            his work at the CNRS.
             carrière, le moment était venu, pour Qué et moi,           And  it  must  be  said  outright,  my  “substitutes”

             de nous interroger sur notre avenir. Nous avons             lightened  my  load.  During  the  first  years  of
             décidé de reprendre notre liberté, en divorçant -           our  marriage, I supported  my  husband,  helped
             en toute amitié. Jamais un divorce n’a aussi peu            him, but there were now our children, my own
             rempli les poches d’un avocat!                              professional  ambitions.  I  finally  gave  in  and
             Aujourd’hui, je vis avec un ami de longue date,             abandoned the field to my “rivals”, all the more
             dans une relation stimulante et heureuse. Dans la           so, as I knew that Qué would never have divorced
             vie de Qué, il y a Michelle, qui le seconde avec            of  his  own  accord,  that  I  filled  the  position  of
             un amour et un dévouement admirable - et qui est           “first wife”, that he was a good father who did not
             devenue aussi mon amie. Nos petits-enfants, trois           shirk his responsibilities. In a word, compromise,

             garçons, enrichissent notre vie avec leur vivacité,         which, even so, I have never regretted.
             leur fantaisie. Y en auraient-il un qui reprendra           In the meantime our daughters were growing up,
             le flambeau artistique de leur grand-père, et leur          passing  their  advanced  examinations  at  school,
             arrière grand-oncle, déjà perpétué par notre fille          studying. Our elder daughter in Paris at l’Ecole
             aînée?                                                      des  Arts  Déco,  the  younger  one  in  Aix-en-
                                                  Juillet 2007, Ingrid   Provence, to become a computing engineer.
                                                                        When  they  both  embarked  upon  promising
                                                                         careers, the time had come for Qué and me to
              Martine and Que 1998
                                                                         consider our future. We decided to recover our
                                                                         freedom by divorcing on friendly terms. Never
                                                                         has a divorce brought a lawyer so little reward!

                                                                        Today, I am living with a long-standing friend,
                                                                         in a stimulating and happy relationship. In Qué’s
                                                                         life there is Michelle, who supports him with love
                                                                         and admirable devotion, and who has also become
                                                                         my friend. Our grandchildren, 3 boys, enrich our
                                                                         lives with their vivacity, their imagination. Will
                                                                         there be one to take up the artistic torch of their
                                                                         grandfather  or  their  great-  great  uncle,  as  our
                                                                         elder daughter has already done?

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