Page 321 - YGARTUA: Magnum Opus - volume three
P. 321

You can see his history, accolades, gallery and                a “Salute to the Record Breakers”, showing

           many projects at: Paul is                     famous faces of personalities that have changed

           one of the premier portrait artists in the world              their sport through great achievements, from

           today, with an amazing gift to work on images                 Pele, to Rocket Richard to Wayne Gretzky.

           at many times actual life size. These faces are  The mural was the brainchild of Beachcomber

           over 10 feet / 305 cm high! This is one of the                owners Keith and  Judy  Scott, back in 1999.

           world’s largest paintings of its kind, at some               As the company launched globally, Keith

          300 feet / 9140 cm long and 25 feet / 762 cm                   and Judy wanted to do something special to

           high, featured in two segments.                               share with the Beachcomber organization,

                                                                         and the community at large as the millennium

          The south-facing wall is called “Beachcomber                   approached.

           Salutes the Legends of the Millennium”, a

           collection of faces that have changed the course             After the painting  was  complete, a

           of history in the last 100 years. These are famous            community party was held on site to

           people, dreamers who accomplished much,  celebrate worldwide expansion with this

           from Chief Dan George to John F Kennedy,  mural as evidence of this special launch.

           to Terry Fox. The west facing wall features                   (Article on Surrey Now Leaders)

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