Page 323 - YGARTUA: Magnum Opus - volume three
P. 323

The project was confirmed and the idea                         diplomats, the executives, actors like Danny

           was  presented  to  the  United  Nations  at                  Kaye, personalities who were involved with

          The Vancouver, Expo 86 site.  It fitted in                     the Children of the World Project.

           perfectly with the theme of the UN (Paul was

           already renowned for his celebrated mural in                  Paul donated  his time  to  the UN  mural

           Chemainus of the Natives) as the theme for                    and the seven weeks that it took to create

          Expo 86 was the International Year of Peace                    his masterpiece “A World United”. The

           and the UN theme was World Harmony.                           most  rewarding  part  of  all  of  this  was  the

           So, when we presented them with the large                     extraordinary experience of working directly

           mock-up triptych, the bank bought the mock-                   with the Credit Union, the UNICEF and the

           up that day and then the idea of reproductions,  UN staff, all on a daily level, an invaluable

           posters and postcards were part of our                        life-learning experience.

           presentation  which then would also involve

          UNICEF, who was in charge of the site of for  All five races were represented –our children

           the United Nations, and that was the beginning  Tala Nicole & Anton Francisco Ygartua

           of a six month non-stop workload, from                        represented the white race in their Basque

           delivering, using couriers for  most  deliveries,  outfits, the oldest ethnic group in Europe.

           to get to the site with the posters, etc. and the             Paul is above doing final touches to Tala

           limited editions that ended up in all the Credit              Nicole (our daughter) wearing the Basque

          Unions across BC.                                              headscarf that she wore at the Basque Fiestas

                                                                         during 1985 (the year we resided in the Basque

          “A World United” was everywhere, the posters,  Country). Anton and Tala went to pre-school

           and postcards flooded Vancouver and the                       during the week and on the weekend took

           demand was insatiable and the publicity,  the Basque Dancing. The summer of 1985

           interviews, etc. were interminable. The endless               they participated in the local Fiestas as part

           special  events  whereby  the  Limited  Edition               of the Gorliz Basque Dance Group. Anton

           of “A World United” was be gifted to many                     is represented on the other side of the mural

           dignitaries including the President of the                    wearing the Basque Beret, next to the Black

          UN from New York, and to all the officials,  Man, portrait from New Orleans.

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