Page 140 - YGARTUA : The Work Of A Genius
P. 140
THE SMALL TOWN OF SITGES GAVE BIRTH TO Over the past 34 years Paul has visited Sitges, Spain with his
PAUL YGARTUA NEO-CUBISM COLLECTION ENTITLED family during the summer month of July. The town only half
MARTINI LADIES hour down the coast from Barcelona, the hometown of famous
architect Gaudi and frequented by Dali and none other than
Picasso who have both inspired Ygartua’s artistic styles over the
“To wake up every day with a paint brush in your hand is a life not years. “Painting Sitges has always been interesting; the challenge
many people can imagine. Being able to have a newly restored is to capture the Spirit of Sitges, the excitement of the night life,
energy running through your artistic veins and urging you to the fireworks and the fiestas celebrations.”
create new original paintings can be explained quite easily by
where I am in the world. With my art I’ve never felt stuck and Sitting predominantly over Sitges waterfront is their magnificent
have always loved to experiment with new inspiration which I Church perched at the end of the beach that stretches for miles.
draw from elements around me.”
This scene alone caught Paul’s eye the very first time he visited in
the late 60’s. The Church of St. Bartholomew and St. Tecla is Sitges’
“I’ve always considered myself privileged to have been inspired most instantly recognisable landmark, thanks in part to its dramatic
by the places in the world that I visit and draw energy from the location on the Baluard headland, overlooking the Mediterranean
people, their culture, the architecture and history. Deconstructing sea. The church has existed since medieval times on the same site,
each one of these elements and piecing them back together in the present building was constructed relatively recently in the 17th
my art is something you can re-live in my Neo-Cubism “Martini Century, but retains two Gothic tombs from its previous incarnation.
Ladies’ subject.
Visible all along the Passeig Maritim, its lofty presence mean that
locals refer to it simply as ‘La Punta’ or ‘The Point’.
By ignoring the concept that art should copy nature and its
perspective, Cubist painters instead wanted to highlight the How Sitges has inspired Paul’s Neo-Cubism style of art? “It is truly
two dimensionality of the canvas. Like glass being shattered a wonderful town, with the charm of the historic buildings, from
and pieced back together Cubism art has relied on geometrical Renaissance to Art Nouveau, the never ending beaches with Garraf
shapes that in some ways breath energy into my Neo-Cubism Massif as a backdrop-it is a perfect setting.It continues to retain a
cultured ambience, the baroque church, that Paul painted over the
years, is the focal point for the amazing Sitges fireworks, arguably