Page 13 - YGARTUA : The Work Of A Genius
P. 13

was an honour and a privilege to be the chosen muralist for this very      method of the Chinese (whose history can date back to over 500

               important historical dedication to our First People of Canada.             years) whereby a single line is etched out depicting the subject
                                                                                          matter.  Then each area painted separately, creating a collage of

               HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO PRODUCE ONE WORK?                                 color in a mosaic effect.
               Everything depends on the style, could be an hour, or ten hours or
               two days or a mural several days. After starting a painting it is a race   This is a complex technique, conveying a powerful  presence.  A

               to the finish. It is a thrill from beginning to end.                       mixed media mosaic cubistic style inlaid with gold or silver, creating
                                                                                          the design and separating the colours. It is a distortion of the subject

               WHAT EXCITING PROJECTS ARE YOU WORKING ON NOW?                             matter, an original abstract with a sculptural effect. The element of
               Due to  COVID 19 I have been busy since last March working on many         lucidity is created through color separation combining fluorescent
               new projects.  The first one was a special COVID 19 show and this took     metallics, enamels and acrylics.

               place at the Ukama Gallery, here in Vancouver. I ventured out into the
               unknown, as my subject matter was the virus, I started to go down          This medium I developed in 1986 and continued developing this

               many new paths, fantasy, surrealism, imagining myself as the virus.        style till the early 90’s. It is just recently that I have re-entered the
                                                                                          challenge of working with this extraordinary medium which allows
               It got more and more involved, until the end I was visiting other          me to experiment more with my design concepts creating an ultra-

               important cities in the world but as the virus itself.  Then with George   modern effect. All Future Conceptualism paintings, reverse painted
               Floyd’s death I started another new series Tributes and once again, it     on Plexiglas with museum quality framed. All native paintings here

               started with George, but, then I got involved with the artists and their   are on exhibit at Eagle Spirit Gallery and abstract, modern work at
               work and tributes to some of my favourite geniuses in the art world.       Ukama Gallery (
               These are now up on my website, but will also be

               catalogued and printed.                                                    DO YOU HAVE ANY UPCOMING EVENTS OR EXHIBITIONS?
                                                                                          Throughout my life I have had the opportunity to participate several

               I have also returned to another fascinating medium which I created         times a year in international exhibitions and gallery exhibitions
               in the 80’s but left for many years due to the toxic paint, but now        in London, Paris,  Vancouver, Barcelona many  parts  of the world
               they have water based acrylics so I am now working on special              including Hawaii, South  America, Mexico, Europe. I never stop, it

               projects in this medium, description of this medium below. Looking         is exciting and always an adventure. Upcoming shows: Gagliardi
               at projects now and up to the New Year will include my celestialism,       Gallery, London, La  Galerie d’Art  Les Cercles, Paris, Eagle Spirit

               my adaptation of surrealism, delving into the phenomenon of the fifth      Gallery, Ukama Gallery, Vancouver, Canada.
                                                                                          WHERE DO YOU SEE YOUR ART GOING IN FIVE YEARS?

               FUTURE CONCEPTUALISM                                                       I look forward to the opportunity of creating mammoth projects for
               Future Conceptualism is a revolutionary technique developed by             Museums around the world.

               Paul Ygartua. It is a technique of reverse painting on transparent
               Plexiglas, similar to Cloisonne Enamelling.  This was an ancient

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