Page 12 - YGARTUA : The Work Of A Genius
P. 12

and I can’t wait to start the next painting. It is exciting to challenge   My concept of painting is the journey of struggle and determination for

               oneself with each work, always searching within, this opens new            perfection in every aspect of my work, from design and composition
               doors, new horizons, it never ends. It is a passion I feel and it is this   to colour and form. A journey that never ends. Each style fits into a

               emotion that I try to portray in all my works.                             plan, like a road map to the future and sometimes the direction is not
                                                                                          always forward, but like a continuous ebb and flow of juices which
               COULD YOU  PLEASE  INTRODUCE YOURSELF AND TELL  US  HOW YOU                moves one, sometimes forwards and sometimes backwards but

               STARTED IN THE ARTS? AND YOUR FIRST EXPERIENCE IN ART MAKING?              always towards a positive direction.
               I am a free spirited adventurer who approaches my art in the same

               way, every painting is an experiment and an adventure.  As such, I         WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR INSPIRATION FROM?
               have no particular style. I work with a style until I develop it as far as   My inspiration is within. I only have to tap into it. As Picasso said 10
               I can go, then I change and move on to another idea always keeping         percent inspiration and 90% perspiration. I paint 8 hours a day just

               my hand in and never losing any of the positive styles that I have had,    about every day of the week except when travelling from A to B when
               going back sometimes years later, is an opportunity to take the style      working with international galleries and international exhibitions.

               further to finality.
               I sketched, as a child, with my Mother, who was also a painter. When       WHAT  EMOTIONS  DO YOU  HOPE THE VIEWER’S  EXPERIENCE WHEN
               we returned to the Basque Country, Northern Spain, my Father’s             LOOKING AT YOUR ART?

               birthplace, for the summer vacations, I used to work alongside her on      Pleasure; some works indulge the viewer whereby he/she is
               location.                                                                  transported to another world, transmitting excitement and inner

                                                                                          pleasure, evoking curiosity and uncertainty, allowing your mind to
               HOW DO YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF AND YOUR ARTWORK?                             drift taking one to different levels of your own imagination.  Each style
               Eclectic and spontaneous when working with abstracts, the idea             evokes a different reaction and a different emotion.

               grows, sometimes changes, sometimes free flowing, it is a continual
               movement from beginning to end.                                            WHEN DO YOU KNOW WHEN YOUR ARTWORK IS FINISHED?

                                                                                          It is very tricky, you can always do a little more, it is very easy to
               My Philosophy, the next painting will be the best. It has been an          overwork a piece. It depends on the style, realism is never finished,
               ongoing struggle for perfection, being able to break through mental        and you can always go back. With impressionism and abstracts there

               and physical barriers, pushing the envelope to realizing and developing    is a point when composition and the balance of colour come together
               that vision until ultimately a style is born. Then taking that style and   and at that moment you have to stop.

               working it until it cannot be developed further and only then moving
               on to adapt this to new ideas, taking you on a journey of versatility and   WHAT HAS BEEN THE MOST EXCITING MOMENT IN YOUR ART
               determination to the next painting. I am always looking to improve on      CAREER SO FAR?

               each  work  so as  to  fine  tune  my coordination  between  body, mind    I think the most exciting moment was creating single handedly the
               and spirit with emphasis on reaching the point whereby my hands            largest mural in the world. The achievement of a mammoth project

               almost are moving without consciously guiding them. Speed is an            such as murals is always a challenge and once completed you do
               integral part of the process as it forces one to not dwell on exactitude   reach a level of euphoria. The most recent mural United in our History,
               rather it forces a continuous flow of inspiration and passion.             focusing on the Heiltsuk Nation of 9,000 years (Bella, Bella) Canada,

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