Page 71 - Trends
P. 71


             Time Guardians
             Cloaked in concrete-like or otherwise putrid variegated cloth, Manfred   posse- they’re decaying morosely in the open, guarding time in an
             Kielnhofer’s “time  guardians”  seem  to  be  plotting  against  time  or   esoteric Disneyland of sinister and unsavory folds. Their significance
             maybe  avidly  watching  time  television-  is  that  a  medieval  joke  or   or arthistorical relevance lies in the eye of the beholder. Regardless,
             what? Like conspiratory monks in a deathless desultory demeanor,   they are meant to evoke ancient times in their secretive hocus-pocus
             they exude an ominous lack of life as if in a ghost parade freshly   despondency, allegedly and all the more uncannily. Draped in mute
             arisen from the depths of the Artpark crypt. They blatantly stand here,   and unholy light, they seem to be placidly heralding the big world
             gnarled and unfazed, making time. Are we lost in a movie, “Lord of   conspiracy, admonishing and demolishing time concepts. Equivocally,
             the ring”- wise or is it a gathering of the Adams family in new Taliban   Kielnhofer’s  work  is  a  tribute  to  life  and  death,  entwined,  dilated
             unglamourous style? So welcome to the new dark ages. Kielnhofer’s   and  lost  in  time. The “time  guardians”  are  maybe  hooded  knights
             “time guardians” stand like silent monoliths of veiled knowledge in a   in disguise, hiding the light within the moldy creases of their robes,
             sculpture garden, seemingly quarantined or time travelling, the only   fighting without armor against time.
             prop missing is the scythe. The grim reaper has come with his zombie                    Catherine Pandora
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