Page 61 - Trends
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                     HANsEN THIAM sUN
                     Lives and works in Ubud, Bali, indonesia
               artist contact
                                                                         MY BALI I!  2007 MIxED MEDIA ON CANVAs 70x60 IN. /140x120 CM.
            Ahmad  Sadali,  a  famous  abstract
            painting  guru,  could  be  the  only
            person  who  tries  to  contradict  the
            principles  stating  that  abstract
            paintings in Indonesia are absolutely
            influenced  by  West  methods.  In
            early 1980s, in one of his writings, he
            issued  that  abstract  expressionism
            had  been  practiced  and  had  been
            resided  within  Indonesian  culture
            for long. Ahmad Sadali’s reasons are
            very clear that Indonesia’s abstract
            expressionism  tendencies  were
            original  which  proven  by  some
            motifs or some patterns in its cultural
            artifacts all over Indonesia far from
            representations.  In  his  article,  he
            also  concluded  that  the  basis  of
            antropomorpho- naturrealism similar
            to  the  one  in  the West  was  never
            really identified in different places in
            the Eastern world.
            Abstract  expressionism  was
            ‘founded’ by the people in the West,
            but they were not the only party that
            successfully  pioneered  this  genre.
            However,  we  have  to  look  at  this
            matter from proportional perspective
            (having  learnt  from  the  history  of
            the  conflicts  between  Lekra  and
            Cultural Manifesto). At this point, at
            least we can understand the context
            of  Hansen’s  abstract  painting  as
            a  manifesto  hoping  to  create  a
            sufficient and – as mentioned before
            –  a  proportional  abstract  painting
            milieu. In the East, an object can not
            always be summarized, exchanged or
            mutated as an essence of the object
            itself  thus  eliminating  its  symbolic
            traces  (index)  because  there  are
            times when people in the East still
            consider the importance of presenting
            objects blatantly (immutable objects)
            intended to remind people of the real
            forms of these objects.
               By Aminudin TH. Siregar, curator
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