Page 57 - Trends
P. 57


               artist contact

            FOUr seAsOns, 1996 metaL anD gLass, D1-64 in., D-34 in. / 162,5x86 cm.
            I am a big believer that everybody should learn about great artists from   and DaVinci’s perfection of technique, Bosch’s and Dali’s imaginary
            the past. Lifelong art education is vital. I love Picasso’s experimental   world,  and  Schiele’s  and  Kahlo’s  true  emotions. There  are  many
            drive,  Modigliani’s  and  Gaugain’s  stylization  and  sense  of  color,   great artists, I cannot name them all, and my goal is to become one
            Botticelli’s and Chagall’s tenderness and sentiments, Michelangelo’s   of them someday.
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