Page 14 - Trends
P. 14

generATOr, 2006 viDeoart 2 minUtes anD 15 seconDs

            This short clip describes the city as a complicated tangle of circuits similar   Printed circuits with different converters and energy distribution allow me
            to those in the appliances all around us, such as televisions and computers.   to show a view of city created with a purely functional intent, the aesthetic
            The circuits ensure circulation of current and smooth operation. In a real   qualities of which are unimportant but nevertheless quite remarkable. The
            city there are many circuits and ´arteries´ conducting water, gas, drainage,   use of a real infrastructure, the movement and authentic sounds of people
            and, most importantly, electric current: a primary necessity to mankind, his   and cars, gives one the appearance of a routine work day. Generator-P730
            porter of energy and communication. This difficult installation conforms   represents the mark of a powerful influence on society, a regulating function
            to that powerful medium, forming the aesthetic of every city quarter and   as important as the circulation of blood. It appears above the city instead of
            street, vibrating in every corner of every household - even in our beds.  a sunset, a noise hypnotizing the people into obedience.
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