Page 18 - Trends
P. 18
Lives and works in Los angeles, ca, Usa
artist contact
LAndsCAPe, 2004, new meDia /nanoart LimiteD
eDition prints (eLectron microscope scan
compUter painteD anD printeD witH arcHivaL inks
on canvas), 19x13 in. / 50x33 cm.
In PIeCes, 2004, new meDia /nanoart LimiteD
eDition prints (eLectron microscope scan
compUter painteD anD printeD witH arcHivaL inks
on canvas), 19x13 in. / 50x33 cm.
I create Art from Science using Technology.
My art is a reflection of my background and
interest in art, materials science, computer
technologies and nanotechnology and is called
I think people should know what’s going on in the
micro-world in order to not be afraid of all kinds
of “nano things” (nanotechnology, nanoscience,
nanopowders…) that are happening right now
with the new technological revolution.
The ideas behind my art are the interpretations
of the technological movement. Art is becoming
interdisciplinary. New media are used more and
more. New technology is used more and more.
We live in a technological society and there
is no reason why Art should stay away from
Technology. I bring the nano-dimensional world
to the public through high resolution electron
microscope images computer painted and
digitally processed.
I try to find similarities with the world we live in,
so people will become familiar with the novel
technologies in a more appealing way. TRENDS