Page 9 - Trends
P. 9
meanings and quest Different languages
i guess i would be quite happy if i could blow away i admit i do not know how to speak your language,
every single one of my thoughts, every single that is, the language of your art. nevertheless, i
motion, in order to let myself drown deeper and tell you that profoundly and still more profoundly,
deeper in an empty life, just ordinary: prosaic work inside this heart of mine – i feel a sentiment. the
and no knowledge at all. stupidly, if not shabbily same as it was that day, when i saw an image for
joyful, i would drink the water of this human the very first time. something touched my heart
existence without asking where it is its source. deeply: something happened inside me – without
sometimes, i wonder if happiness exists only for being aware of it - something that changed my life.
those who know that they can no longer feel it. since then i felt that something was rushing and
when i come to the mystery, and i understand it, rushing inside me, through my veins, enrooted its
i’m frightened. are you? seeds into my spine.
no, art can’t speak about itself, at least not this i love art, trying to love it as love loves. i do not
particular form of art which you feel is yours and know any other reason to love art, rather than
you nourish through. nevertheless, i ask you not simply love art. what can i say, more than this? you
to doubt it. sometimes, in your eyes, it might seem know what i mean. i just want to say to you that
too much, or not enough at all. i ask you at least anytime i talk – or write – about art is… that i love
not to doubt your suffering, because you will suffer it. sometimes i suffer that someone can just reply
much more and in vain, if one day you’ll realize that to what i’ve said and not to my love. anyhow, as i
you doubt it. told you, i do not take anything for granted: i will
never ask art for more that it has decided to give
me, don’t you?