P. 12
Oto Rimele
Lives and works in Maribor, Slovenia
Oto Rimele is a painter, an author of spatial-acoustic but I directly activate it as the literal sensory presence”.
ambiences, a researcher of mental dimensions of the visual His painting images (painting objects) are three dimensional
expression and sound. After obtaining an undergraduate and allow for the colour to reflect onto the wall, so that
degree in 1990 and a Master’s degree in 1992 at the the observer can see its non-material reflection in the
Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana, he has dedicated shape of coloured Light and as a non-material connection.
most of his creative path to researching the painting Dr Nataša Smolič describes his “generators of light” as:
communication and the phenomenon of visual expressive “The oval paintings give the feeling that somewhere in
possibilities. their essence, invisible to the human eye, there is a light
source, which disperses the cleansed and superior light
His personal experience with the world and reality we live through the reflective whiteness of the wall into the
in has led him to achieve a unique painting expression and space.” Dr Marjeta Ciglenečki recognises his sublime
surpass the classical appearance of paintings. Expanding communication with the individual as a bridge that allows
his painting image first directed him to the field of “painting the observer to gain an insight: “Many of Mr Rimele’s
objects”, “combined paintings”, painting installations and public expositions can be described as simply beautiful
to activating atypical parts of the painting – its hidden if we follow Plotinus’s explanation of the Beautiful and if
edges and rear parts. Thus he created unique painting we believe that observing the Beautiful also makes the
images – “generators of light”, where the frontal image observer beautiful.”
gives way to the expressiveness of the “edges” or “rear”
parts of the painting. In recent years, Oto Rimele prepared independent
expositions presenting his work in New York (Pratt
After finishing his studies, his painting expression was Institute, 2019), Vienna (Korotan Gallery, 2018), Berlin
first focused on the painting mimesis of the visible reality, (Galerie B1, Schönberg) and Maribor (the former Minorite
but then the motif was upgraded to a symbolic and church, 2018).
non-material meaning. His final motif is light itself and
the mental-sublime reality in the sense of exploring the In 2016 and 2017 he participated in the joint exposition in
optical and painting reality of the medium of expression. the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris. He has been passing on
The painter describes his attitude to light in the following his creative experience as a full professor to the students
words: “…this is why I don’t depict light in my paintings,
of the University of Maribor for many years.