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ingenuity, and honesty that save us from                   something that does not belong to him.

           vulgarity. However, it is difficult to ‘find’              Because he has been persuaded of the

           ourselves  in  times  that  smell  of  death,              fact that he creates his own works he is
           corruption, and rot. But reality does not                  firmly convinced he is the author of these

           have a stench; it is corpses that smell and                works. ON THE CHARACTER OF ART Art

           the cities are full of them. In the hands of               (and hence literature) has no gender; it
           these corpses everything is vulgar, even                   is neutered and ambiguous. More than a

           nature itself. I suffer immensely from                     ‘being’ it is a ‘being-able-to-be’. Eugenio

           having to see nature made vulgar, and                      Montale was one of the first to say as

           even more so from having to admit that                     much. It is a perennial question that never

           this  is  possible.  “Bodies,  indeed,  must               gives an answer. It always asks questions,
           be disposed of more than excrement                         putting in doubt the sensitivity of those

           itself.”  Heraclitus.  By  exasperating  the               who would question it. It is ungraspable,

           Greek concept of art, modernity has                        unspeakable, a suspension, an altering of
           rendered the concept of creation an                        the logical rules proper to the kingdom of

           absurdity. Creation is an absurdity as ‘ex                 paradoxes - a contradiction that cannot

           nihilo nihil’, meaning nothing is created                  do without itself. It lives through imitation,

           from nothing. The modern artist, like the                  simulation, and fiction. The only form of

           ‘author-demiurge’, is a presumptuous                       sincerity that can be gleaned is that it
           madman as he is devoid of the sense                        does not deny the drama of existence,

           of necessity. He is an ungainly ape - a                    the tragedy of human life, precisely

           tragic ape. The  tragedy is  underpinned                   when it is called on to give an answer to
           by fixed, insurmountable canons: the                       these questions. But even if it managed

           subject  of  deciding  is  the  subject  that              to propose solutions, these would be

           must be decided. This is the revelation of                 impossible to realize in reality, because

           its comic nature. The ‘author-demiurge’                    art is always a fleeing from real time, a

           becomes a mad, pathetic clown, aping                       temporal negation that, in order to affirm
           himself; a tragic ape persuaded of the                     itself, annihilates the concept of art itself.

           fact that the being is nothing. Faced

           with necessity he seems to be limited in                           A. Pagnes ©World Of Art magazine
           his  movement,  stupidly  haughty  about
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