P. 8
The ‘author-demiurge’ is a tragic entity ascertains, in this failure, tragedy itself -
in that he does not create, but rather the tragic end of an idea and the tragic end
realizes himself only temporarily, or put of the author of the transformation (from
another way, he produces ‘time’ - a time idea to realization) who thereby becomes
that is represented, vis-à-vis the work, as an ape. By imitating the idea, the author
a‘phase-of-knowledge’. He tends to attain even debases the ape, he kills the idea
knowledge or at least to possess a part of it. in order to give life to an image, but the
In truth, this coincides with the limitations image is a mirror, a mere aberration of the
of the author, his individual deficiencies and idea. The ape is the ‘mirror-aberration’ of
the paucity of his intents. He only ‘follows’ the author. It is the author himself who is
the idea of knowledge, an absurd idea that incapable of attaining any other knowledge,
is absolutely extraneous to knowledge or rather the knowledge of himself or his
in and of itself. In art, producing time is tragic simian performance. What allows us
a negation of the concept of time itself. to differentiate the ‘vulgar’ from ‘art’? What
The executing procedure of the ‘author- do we mean by vulgar? Is nature vulgar?
demiurge’ is an attempt to realize and Never. What about Man? Man is often,
steer the idea (that he possesses) ‘from’ perhaps always, vulgar. Art is therefore
– ‘to’, but this movement in fact debases the highest level of vulgarity, ergo what is
the nature or the ideal of the idea. Idea is vulgar is art. It is the same thing. However,
an entity that makes sense only in that it this is evidently contradictory, as art is
‘is’. It does not ‘represent’. Realization of different from vulgarity, or at least we think
the idea is therefore inferior. The ‘author- there is a difference between the two. If
demiurge’ commands, with the ability that nature expresses itself through us, via art,
he is convinced he possesses, and leads what detaches and distances man from
the idea to an equally lofty or intense nature is technique. Thus, technique is
(expressive!) level. Whatever the final undoubtedly vulgar. Art and philosophy are
result, the level is always lower because the identified with freedom of thought, thought
result is always the end result of imitation. that is free to err through necessity. Art
The ‘author-demiurge’ must be absolutely does not evolve! Technology evolves.
aware of this, otherwise he would not only Those who speak of the evolution of art and
be an imitator but a deplorable liar. He proclaim its death are vulgar. It is purity,