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can just pretend to be blind to it. Faust’s                VII. Aberration is borne out of the effects

           consequential answer to his final question                 and accidents of the species (nature)

           brings him to the initial identity:                        including mankind. Aberrations are none
           ART = VULGARITY.                                           the less necessary.

           I.  Art  and  science  are  free,  and  their              VIII. Art and science intrinsically harbor a

           teachings are free.                                        force of rebellion when man commands
           II. Man must not impose either limits or                   them without ‘knowing’ them. This

           boundaries on art and science; they must                   becomes a destructive force when man

           be allowed free rein. If limits are imposed,               covets and abuses them.

           art and science become filiations of man’s                 IX.  Consensus  is  only  a  quantitative

           ego, an ego predisposed by internal unease                 appreciation - the adherence of many to
           and social disquietude and, as such, they                  one.

           become ‘reflection’ and ‘subject’ and                      X. It is possible for one to consent to an

           therefore inferior.                                        effect or thing without necessarily feeling
           III. To impose is to oppose.                               that it is a part of oneself - to consent only

           IV. Art and science are entities of a higher               because that effect or thing is marvelous.

           expression and maintain a propulsive force                 This kind of appreciation happens  as a

           such  that  they  can  never  be  subjected                response to taste or pleasure but what

           to the dominion of man. Anyone who                         one is actually recognizing is the nuance
           imposes limits and boundaries on art                       of something that promotes a need for

           and  science are doing nothing more than                   satisfaction, something that fills the desire

           imposing limits and boundaries on him/                     of the instant.
           herself.                                                   XI.  Whatever  the  question, if  it  is  heard

           V. The limits and boundaries of art and                    from outside our ‘being’ it should not

           science (as ‘entity-subject’) must be                      to be judged at all, because it has not

           searched for in their autonomous freedom                   been understood. Knowledge, ego, being.

           and existence.                                             Substance. Search. Reality. Non-ego.
           VI. It is necessary for man to place himself               XII.  Knowledge  (whether  of  the  many

           dialogically before art and science,                       or the few makes no difference) is an

           respecting the dignity and the essential                   incommensurable force, often non-
           existence of these entities.                               existent.
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