Page 92 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 92

The Decameron  The Fourth Day | The First Novell         he gave her to the son of the Duke of Capua, but her husband
                                                                   died shortly after, and she returned to her father. She was
            Storyteller: Fiammetta
                                                                   exceedingly beautiful, young, light-hearted, and perhaps more
                                                                   knowledgeable than was fitting for a woman. Living with her
            This story declares the power of love and rightly condemns those
                                                                   loving father in luxury, she saw that he was in no hurry to find
            who believe they can end its strength by abusing or killing one of the
                                                                   her another husband. Deeming it unseemly to ask for one, she
            lovers. Tancrede, Prince of Salerno, had his daughter's lover killed
                                                                   sought a secret lover.
            and sent her his heart in a golden cup. In her grief, she steeped the
            heart in poisoned water and drank it, thereby ending her own life.
                                                                   Among the men at her father's court, she preferred Guiscardo,
                                                                   the Prince's page, a man of humble origin but noble bearing.
                                                                   She became enamored with him, and he, reading her heart, gave
                                                                   her his own. They burned in secret for each other, and the lady,
                                                                   desiring a meeting with Guiscardo, devised a plan. She wrote
                                                                   him a letter with her commands for the next day, placed it in a
                                                                   cane, and gave it to him, saying, "You can use this as a bellows
                                                                   to blow your fire tonight." Guiscardo, sensing the significance,
                                                                   examined the cane, found the letter, and learned what he was to
                                                                   do. Delighted, he prepared to meet her as instructed.

                                                                   Near the Prince's palace was a long-disused grotto, accessible by
                                                                   a secret stair from the lady's suite. Love had brought this stair to
                                                                   her mind, and she had secretly opened the door. She informed
            1985 HAND COLORED AQUA TINTA / AQUA FORTE              Guiscardo of the grotto's height and instructed him to find a way
            29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE).               to descend. Guiscardo rigged a rope ladder, donned a leather suit
                                                                   to protect himself from brambles, and descended into the grotto
                                                                   the next night. The lady dismissed her damsels, locked herself in
                                                                   her room, and met Guiscardo in the grotto. They spent a joyous
             The king has given us a sorrowful theme for today's discourse.
                                                                   day together, taking precautions to avoid discovery. Guiscardo
             Though we are here for our enjoyment, we must now tell of
                                                                   returned to the grotto, and the lady rejoined her damsels. At
             others' tears, which will undoubtedly move us to pity. Perhaps
                                                                   nightfall, Guiscardo climbed the ladder and went home, repeating
             he intended to temper the gaiety of the past days, but whatever
                                                                   the visits many times thereafter.
             his intent, his will is my law. Therefore, I will narrate a story that
             is both pitiful and woeful, one that may well bring you to tears.
                                                                   But Fortune, envious of their happiness, turned events to sorrow.
                                                                   Tancred, who occasionally visited his daughter's room alone,
             Tancred, Prince  of Salerno,  a humane and kind-hearted  lord,
                                                                   came one day while she was in the garden. Finding the room
             had only one daughter. Had he not had her, he might have been
                                                                   empty, he lay down on a divan and fell asleep. Ghismonda,
             more fortunate. He loved her tenderly and kept her unmarried
                                                                   unaware of his presence, entered the room, locked the door,
             for many years after she reached marriageable age. Eventually,
               The Decameron
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