Page 87 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 87

gentleman named Count Bertrand. He is very pleasant, courteous, and   the ring from the Count and arranged for Gillette to lie with him instead of
            much beloved in this city. He is deeply in love with one of our neighbors,   her daughter. In their first encounter, Gillette conceived twins. The lady
            a gentlewoman in poor circumstances. She is very virtuous and lives with   continued to help Gillette meet with the Count, who believed he was with
            her mother, who is an excellent and discreet lady. If not for her mother,   the woman he loved and gave her rare jewels each morning.
            she might have already yielded to the Count's desires."
                                                                   When Gillette realized she was pregnant, she told the lady, "Madam,
            Gillette listened carefully and took note of every detail. She found out the   thanks to God and you, I have what I desired. It is time for me to repay
            names and residence of the lady and her daughter whom Bertrand loved.   you and take my leave." The lady replied that she was glad Gillette had
            Disguised in her pilgrim's attire, she visited their house and found them in   found joy and had helped out of duty, not for a reward. Gillette insisted
            evident poverty. After greeting them, she asked the lady if she could speak   on giving her a reward, and the lady, embarrassed, asked for a hundred
            with her privately. The lady agreed, and they went into a room to talk.  pounds to marry her daughter. Gillette, seeing her modesty, gave her five
                                                                   hundred pounds and rare jewels. After receiving the lady's thanks, Gillette
            Gillette began, "Madam, it seems we are both under Fortune's frown.   returned to the inn.
            Perhaps you can help both of us." The lady replied that she would gladly
            find solace if it could be done honorably. Gillette continued, "I must first be   The lady and her daughter moved to the countryside to avoid further visits
            assured of your faith. If I trust you and am deceived, we will both suffer." The   from Bertrand. Soon after, Bertrand, urged by his vassals and informed
            lady assured her there was no deceit in her and asked her to speak freely.  of his wife's departure, left Florence and returned home. Elated by the
            Gillette revealed her identity and recounted her love affair with Bertrand   news, Gillette stayed in Florence until she gave birth to two sons who
            from the beginning. The lady, having heard parts of the story before,   resembled their father. She then traveled to Montpellier and waited for
            was moved with compassion. Gillette then said, "Now that you know my   news of the Count. She learned that he would hold a great reception on
            misfortunes, you understand the two conditions I must fulfill to win back   All Saints' Day at Roussillon.
            my husband. I believe you can help me, as I hear my husband is deeply
            in love with your daughter."                           Dressed as a pilgrim, Gillette went to Roussillon and entered the Count's
                                                                   palace with her children. She approached the Count, threw herself at his
            The lady replied, "I do not know if the Count loves my daughter, but he   feet, and said, "My lord, I am your hapless bride who has wandered to
            shows great affection for her. How can this help you?" Gillette explained,   ensure your homecoming and peace. I now demand you fulfill the condition
            "Your daughter is fair and of marriageable age, but you lack the means to   I sent you through the knights. Here are not one but two sons, and on my
            marry her off. In return for your help, I will provide her with a dowry from   finger is your ring. It is time for you to receive me as your wife."
            my own money. I need you to send word to the Count that your daughter
            is ready to yield to his will if he proves his love by sending her the ring   The Count was astonished, recognizing the ring and his likeness in the
            he wears. Once you have the ring, give it to me and tell the Count your   children. Gillette explained everything in detail, and the Count, seeing
            daughter is ready. Bring him here secretly, and I will lie by his side instead   the truth, her perseverance, and the wishes of his vassals and the
            of your daughter. By God's grace, I may conceive, and with his ring on   ladies, accepted her as his lawful wife. He embraced and kissed her,
            my finger and a son in my arms, I will have him as my husband again."  acknowledging the children as his own. He had her dressed in garments
            The lady felt it was a significant request, fearing it might bring reproach   befitting her rank, and they celebrated with feasting and merrymaking.
            upon her daughter. However, she saw it as an honorable endeavor to help   From then on, he honored, loved, and cherished her as his bride and wife.
            Gillette and agreed to the plan. With caution and secrecy, she obtained

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