Page 173 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 173

jerked the thread. Arriguccio, not knowing how to attach the thread   light, and comforted her bruised and tearful maid. She carried her
            securely, felt it give way and understood that Ruberto was waiting.   back to her own room, had her tended to, and helped her generously
            He quickly armed himself and went to the door, intent on doing harm   from Arriguccio's own store, so the maid was content. The lady then
            to whoever was there.                                  returned to her own room, set it in order, remade the bed, relit the
                                                                   lamp, and dressed herself as if she had not been abed that night. She
            Arriguccio, though a merchant, was a man of spirit and strength. He   took a lighted lamp and some work, sat at the head of the stairs, and
            opened the door forcefully, unlike his wife, and Ruberto, realizing   began sewing, waiting to see how the affair would end.
            the truth, took to flight, followed by Arriguccio. After a long chase,
            Ruberto, also armed, drew his sword and faced Arriguccio, and they   Arriguccio went straight from the house to that of his wife's brothers,
            began to fight.                                        making himself heard with much knocking. The lady's three brothers
            When Arriguccio opened the bedroom door, the lady awoke and,   and her mother got up, set lights burning, and came to him, asking why
            finding the pack-thread cut loose from her toe, realized her trick   he was there at that hour and alone. Arriguccio told them the whole
            was discovered. Hearing Arriguccio running after Ruberto, she got   story, from discovering the pack-thread to his actions, and showed
            up, foreseeing the likely outcome, and called her maid, who was in   them the locks of hair he believed he had cut from his wife's head.
            her confidence. She persuaded the maid to get into bed in her place,   He said it was now for them to come for her and deal with her as they
            promising a reward for bearing any blows Arriguccio might give her.   saw fit, for he would never have her in his house again. Believing him,
            She then extinguished the light and hid in the house, waiting to see   the brothers were very angry and, with lighted torches, set out with
            what would happen.                                     Arriguccio to his house, intending to scorn her. Their mother followed,
                                                                   weeping and beseeching them not to believe these matters hastily
            Arriguccio  and  Ruberto's  fight  roused  the  neighbors,  who  cursed   until they had seen or heard more, suggesting that Arriguccio might
            them for the noise. Fearing recognition, Arriguccio withdrew before   have another reason for his anger and had trumped up this charge to
            discovering who the young gallant was or doing him any harm, and   exculpate himself. She added that if it were true, it was very strange,
            returned home in a wrathful mood. Stumbling into the bedroom, he   for she knew her daughter well.
            angrily called out, "Where are you, wicked woman? You put out the
            light so I can't find you, but you miscalculated." He grabbed the maid,   However, when they arrived at Arriguccio's house, they entered and
            thinking she was his wife, and began pummeling and kicking her with   were climbing the stairs when Monna Sismonda, hearing them, called
            all his strength, nearly pounding her face to a pulp. He berated her   out, "Who is there?" One of the brothers responded, "Wicked woman,
            and cut off her hair. The maid wept bitterly, occasionally crying for   you will soon have cause enough to know who it is." "Now Lord loves
            mercy, but her voice was broken by sobs, and Arriguccio, dulled by   us!" said Monna Sismonda. "What would he be at?" Then, rising, she
            his wrath, did not realize it was not his wife's voice. After thrashing   greeted them with, "Welcome, my brothers, but what brings you out
            her and cutting off her hair, he said, "Wicked woman, I touch you no   at this hour, all three of you?" They saw her sitting and sewing with
            more. I go to find your brothers and tell them of your deeds. They may   no sign of a blow on her face, whereas Arriguccio had claimed he had
            come and deal with you as they see fit, for you shall no longer stay in   pummeled her all over. Their first impression was one of wonder, and
            this house." He locked the door and left the house alone.  restraining their wrath, they asked her what the truth was about the
                                                                   matter Arriguccio had laid to her charge and threatened her with dire
            Monna Sismonda, hearing all that had happened, waited until her   consequences if she concealed anything.
            husband was gone, then opened the bedroom door, rekindled the

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