Page 170 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 170
The Decameron The Seventh Day | The Seventh Novell The host replied, "You would make the perfect servant for
Storyteller: Filomena
a gentleman of this city named Egano, who keeps many
servants and wants them all to be presentable like you. I will
Lodovico confessed to his mistress, Madame Beatrix, about his
mention it to him." The host did so, and before long, Egano had
romantic feelings for her. She cleverly sent her husband, Egano,
placed Anichino with him, to Egano's complete satisfaction.
into the garden, disguised as herself. Later, Lodovico, pretending to
be enticed by his mistress to betray his honest master, ended up
Living with Egano and having ample opportunities to see the fair lady,
beating Egano soundly in the garden instead.
Anichino served Egano with great zeal. He succeeded so well that
Egano was more than satisfied and entrusted him with the guidance
of himself and all his affairs. One day, when Egano was out hawking
and had left Anichino at home, Madonna Beatrice, who did not yet
know of his love but had noticed and approved of his manners,
sat down with him to play chess. To please her, Anichino skillfully
contrived to lose, delighting the lady. After a while, the lady's women
stopped watching their play and left them alone. Anichino heaved
a mighty sigh, and the lady, looking hard at him, asked, "What
troubles you, Anichino? Is it such a defeat to be conquered by me?"
"No, Madam," replied Anichino, "my sigh was prompted by a
much graver matter." "Then, if you have any regard for me,"
said the lady, "tell me what it is." Hearing himself urged by "any
1985 HAND COLORED AQUA TINTA / AQUA FORTE regard" for her whom he loved more than anything else, Anichino
29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE).
heaved a mightier sigh, causing the lady to renew her request.
Anichino said, "Madam, I greatly fear that if I tell you, it will vex
you, and I doubt you might repeat it to someone else." "Rest
assured," returned the lady, "that I shall neither be annoyed
So Anichino, as he now called himself, came to Bologna. As luck nor repeat to any other soul what you say without your leave."
would have it, the very next day, he saw the lady at a festive "Then," said Anichino, "having this pledge from you, I will tell you."
gathering and found her much more beautiful than he had expected. With tears almost in his eyes, he told her who he was, the report
He became deeply enamored with her and resolved never to he had heard of her, where and how he had become enamored
leave Bologna until he had gained her love. He decided the best with her, and why he had taken service with her husband. He
way to proceed was to enter her husband's service, which was humbly begged her to have pity on him and gratify his secret and
easier since her husband kept many servants. Lodovico, as he ardent desire, or at least allow him to retain his place and love her.
was formerly known, surmised that this might help him achieve
his goal. He sold his horses and arranged for his servants, The gentlewoman, gazing at Anichino, believed all he said was
instructing them to act as if they did not know him. Being familiar true. Yielding to his appeal, she entertained his love within her
with his host, he mentioned his desire to work for a worthy lord.
The Decameron