Page 34 - Leon Oks : Dreamscape
P. 34




                  Yet no honor or award                                    the meanings and visions

                  equals the satisfaction                                  that are intentional, as

                  of knowing that                                           well as subjective. Every

                  someone is moved by                                      time, this interaction with

                  his paintings. Leon                                       my audience encourages

                  Oks’ work remains a                                       me to trust my artistic

                  bridge from his strong                                    instincts, while it gives

                  feelings to the outside                                   me permission to

                  world. He continues to                                    create without limits.

                  walk that bridge with                                     My sole purpose is to

                  humility and reverence.                                   communicate the passion

                  “I like to encourage                                      and range of emotions i

                  people to visually                                        experience, as i express

                  participate in my                                         myself through my

                  artwork and to see                                        painting”.

               sUnlighT                      1983 oil on canvas   35x45 cM. /14x18 in.
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