Page 30 - Leon Oks : Dreamscape
P. 30
Leon soon began copying the paintings of
the great Master of the Renaissance period
from books, as if this intuition had directed
him to reproduce them specifically. Later,
during his studies, he discovered that
those were the masters most studied and
respected of all times in the art world, and
he had intuitively chosen the best source.
Leon considers it fortunate that Vladimir
Kobilinsky, his first formal art instructor,
was a great teacher, very gifted and able
to appreciate real art. He successfully
explained this philosophy to his students.
In a climate of great restriction, Leon
1981 USA: Diana Oks (Daughter b. 1964), Inessa Oks, often painted imaginary compositions,
Daughter b.1971, Leon Oks (the Artist b. 1939), Lucy
developing a unique style that portrayed the
Oks (Wife, b. 1941)
unity of humanity and nature. This artistic
Leon had been only two years old when
his father was called to military service concept and the associated emotions, and
in 1941 and then, soon after that, killed in his affinity for romanticism, which he
the line of duty. As he matured, Leon had managed to transfer on canvas, shaped
to assume the role of “man of the house”,
since his mother never remarried and
dedicated her life to raise and educate her
children. Respectful of the family bond,
he performed many household duties such
as cooking, cleaning and taking care of the
house which was constantly on the verge
of collapse. During this time, Leon also
attended to his mother and two siblings,
with whom he was very close.
1973 Ukraine: the artist’s daughters
Inessa and Diana.