Page 247 - Museum
P. 247
Lives and works in Wetter, Germany |
Ines Siri Trost was born in Berlin in 1967. Today she lives in Wetter/Ruhr. In her
work as a freelancing woman artist she puts the main emphasis on: painting,
art in nature, building up means of communication to the spiritual world by
making art, exhibitions and giving lectures/teaching art in different countries.
As a painter she has learned to perceive fields of vibration of beings and
places and to make them visible in colour and form. The paintings which arise
from that, give a visual imprint in the material of her communication with
the spiritual. They show moments of non material processes, of evolution
and of energy fields and realms. Painting to Ines Siri Trost is meditation,
is prayer and giving her thanks to creation. It is all about building up
means of communication to the spiritual world. Places of study where
the academy of Fine Arts in Hamburg, and various other Art Colleges
in London and in Switzerland. Since 2014 her work is presented by the
Artodrome Gallery in Berlin, which also takes her work to international ENERGY FIELD, 2014 OIL ON CANVAS. 31X31 IN. | 80X80 CM.
Art fairs, by the ICA, International Contemporary Artists, New York and UNTITLED, 2014 OIL ON CARDBOARD. 7.5X7.5 IN. | 20X20 CM.
by the Hidden Treasure Art Magazine in London. Many of her paintings ANGEL OF GRACE, 2014 OIL, RUSTY IRON PLATE, WOODEN CASE 15X15 IN. | 40X40 CM.
found their way into public Art collections. ANGEL OF GRACE II, 2014 OIL, RUSTY IRON PLATE, WOODEN CASE 15X15 IN. | 40X40 CM.