Page 73 - The 60.Venice Biennial & MoMA issue of WOA Contemporary Art magazine
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world shaped by interests and economic growth, she
         unflinchingly portrays the consequences of human actions.
         Her art becomes a mirror reflecting the continuous
         suppression and depletion of nature by our species.
         The Impact of Social Separation
         Kleekamp’s primary focus rests on etchings, where rice
         paper becomes her canvas. Within these delicate lines, she
         unveils the impact of social separation. Special elements
         and motifs convey the fractures in our interconnected
         world. Through her art, she urges us to pause and reflect
         on our role as stewards of the environment.
         A Call for Reflection
         Global economic and environmental issues find their voice
         in Kleekamp’s work. She challenges us to consider the
         consequences of our actions - how we exploit nature,
         often heedless of sustainability. The overbearing economy,
         epitomized by Thomas Rau, reverberates through her
         art. Climate change, plastic pollution, fine dust, and the
         vanishing biodiversity - all find expression in her delicate   2020 edition - a celebration of artists championing
         strokes.                                             environmental conservation and human rights - solidifies
         Carla Kleekamp: A Visionary Voice                    her place as a visionary voice.
         In the lineage of old Chinese painters, Kleekamp breathes   Carla Kleekamp’s oeuvre transcends borders, urging us to
         life into voids within her drawings. Dynamics and rhythm   reevaluate our relationship with nature. As we navigate a
         emerge, inviting viewers to engage with her visual   world in flux, her art serves as a poignant reminder: We
         narratives. Her inclusion in the Art Tour International   are both witnesses and architects of our shared reality.

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