Page 14 - The 60.Venice Biennial & MoMA issue of WOA Contemporary Art magazine
P. 14

Third World, are included, as well as historical Maori artists
         Selwyn Wilson and Sandy Adsett from Aotearoa/New Zealand.
         A third room,” Pedrosa added, “is dedicated to the Italian
         artistic diaspora of the 20th century. Italian artists who moved
         abroad to Africa, Asia, Latin America, and beyond, often played
         significant roles in the development of modernism outside Italy.
         This room features works by 40 first- or second-generation
         Italian artists, displayed on Lina Bo Bardi’s glass easels. Bo
         Bardi, an Italian who moved to Brazil, won the 2021 Biennale
         Architettura’s Special Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement in
         Two related themes have emerged organically in the research,”
         Pedrosa noted. “The first is textiles, explored by many artists
         in both the Historical and Contemporary Nucleus. These
         works highlight an interest in craft, tradition, and handmade
         techniques, often considered foreign or outsider in the fine arts.
         The second theme is artists related by blood, many of them
         Indigenous, emphasizing the transmission of knowledge and
         practices within families.

         The Exhibition features 86 National Participations located
         in the historic Pavilions at the Giardini, the Arsenale,
         and throughout Venice. This year, four countries are
         making their debut at the Biennale Arte: the Republic of
         Benin, Ethiopia, the United Republic of Tanzania, and the
         Democratic Republic of Timor Leste. Additionally, Nicaragua,
         the Republic of Panama, and Senegal are participating with
         their own pavilions for the first time.              Isaac Chong Wai (Hong Kong, 1990 - Lives in Berlin). Falling Reversely (2021-24)
                                                              Video still, Duration tbd. Photo Isaac Chong Wai, Julia Geiß and Lana Immelman /
                                                              Courtesy the Artist; Blindspot Gallery and Zilberman / © Isaac Chong Wai
         Dana Awartani (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 1987 - Lives in Jeddah). Come, let me heal
         your wounds. Let me mend your broken bones, as we stand here mourning
         (2019). Darning on medicinally dyed silk 630 cm x 720 cm x 300 cm. Image
         courtesy of the Artist and Athr Gallery / Photo by Anna Shtraus / © Dana Awartani
                                                              The Italian Pavilion, situated at the Tese delle Vergini in
                                                              the Arsenale, is curated by Luca Cerizza and sponsored
                                                              by the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of
                                                              the Ministry of Culture. The project “Due qui / To Hear” by
                                                              artist Massimo Bartolini includes unique contributions from
                                                              musicians and writers.
                                                              The Holy See Pavilion, promoted by Cardinal José Tolentino
                                                              de Mendonça, Prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and
                                                              Education of the Holy See, is hosted this year in the
                                                              women’s prison on Giudecca Island. The exhibition, titled
                                                              “With My Eyes,” is curated by Chiara Parisi and Bruno
                                                              Racine. The City of Venice also has its own pavilion, the
                                                              Venice Pavilion, located at the Giardini of Sant’Elena.

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