Page 12 - The 60.Venice Biennial & MoMA issue of WOA Contemporary Art magazine
P. 12

Biennale Arte 2024  LA BIENNALE DI VENEZIA

                                            BIENNALE ARTE 2024

                                            The 60th International Art Exhibition, titled “Stranieri Ovunque – Foreigners
                                            Everywhere,” will be open to the public from April 20 to November 24, 2024, at
                                            the Giardini and the Arsenale. Curated by Adriano Pedrosa and organized by La
                                            Biennale di Venezia, the pre-opening events took place on April 17-19, with the
                                            awards ceremony and inauguration on April 20, 2024.
                                            Since 2021, La Biennale di Venezia has been committed to environmental
                                            sustainability. In 2024, the goal is to extend the “carbon neutrality” certification
                                            achieved in 2023 for its scheduled activities, including the 80th Venice
         CURATOR OF 60TH INTERNATIONAL ART   International Film Festival, and the Theatre, Music, and Dance Festivals. Notably,
         COURTESY LA BIENNALE DI VENEZIA    the 18th International Architecture Exhibition was the first major event in its
                                            field to implement a tangible process for achieving carbon neutrality, while also
                                            addressing themes of decolonization and decarbonization.

                                            THE CURATOR’S INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION
         The 60th edition of the International Art   The Exhibition is held in the Central Pavilion (Giardini) and the Arsenale, featuring
         Exhibition, titled “Foreigners Everywhere   two sections: the Contemporary Nucleus and the Historical Nucleus.
         – Stranieri Ovunque,” evokes current   For Biennale Arte 2024, the focus is on artists who have never participated in the
         scenarios and possible universes. Curator   International Exhibition, although some may have been part of a National Pavilion,
         Adriano Pedrosa’s Biennale Arte reflects   Collateral Event, or previous editions. Special emphasis is placed on outdoor
         his unbiased approach to study and   projects in both the Arsenale and Giardini, with a performance program planned
         research, embracing the unknown and   for the pre-opening and closing weekends of the 60th Exhibition.
         using disorientation as a tool for discovery.   The title “Stranieri Ovunque – Foreigners Everywhere” is inspired by a series
         As the first South American curator,   of works by the Claire Fontaine collective, which began in 2004. These neon
         Pedrosa highlights the symbolic nature of   sculptures display the phrase “Foreigners Everywhere” in various languages,
         compass points, challenging traditional   originating from a Turin collective that fought against racism and xenophobia in
         North-South hierarchies.           early 2000s Italy.
         Pedrosa’s selection of artists focuses on   Adriano Pedrosa explains that “Stranieri Ovunque” has multiple meanings: it
         those who have never participated before,   signifies that foreigners are everywhere, and that, deep down, everyone is a
         shedding light on Modernism outside the   foreigner no matter where they are.
         Anglosphere and highlighting overlooked
         geographies. Inspired by Oswald de   CONTEMPORARY NUCLEUS
         Andrade’s Manifesto antropófago, Pedrosa   The Italian ‘straniero,’ Portuguese ‘estrangeiro,’ French ‘étranger,’ and Spanish
         emphasizes the need for the global South   ‘extranjero’ all trace their roots to words meaning ‘strange’ or ‘stranger.’ Sigmund
         to cannibalize hegemonic cultures to   Freud’s concept of ‘Das Unheimliche’ (The Uncanny) comes to mind, translated
         establish their own Modernisms.    in Portuguese as ‘o estranho’ - the strange that is also familiar. According to
         This Biennale features both contemporary   dictionaries, the first meaning of ‘queer’ is ‘strange,’ which aligns with the
         and historical works, including a significant   exhibition’s focus on various marginalized subjects: queer artists navigating
         presence of 20th-century Italian diaspora   different sexualities and genders, often persecuted; outsider artists on the fringes
         artists. For the first time, the indigenous   of the art world, including self-taught and folk artists; and indigenous artists,
         Amazonian art collective MAHKU is   often seen as foreigners in their own lands. These groups form the core of the
         showcased, with a large-scale work on   Contemporary Nucleus.
         the Central Pavilion’s facade, inspired by   Indigenous artists have a significant presence, with the Mahku collective from
         sacred ayahuasca rituals.          Brazil creating a monumental mural on the Central Pavilion’s facade, and the

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