Page 86 - Masters
P. 86
The graphics of Magdalena Bak reveal values associated with
genuine works of art: a clear intellectual message, individuality
of style, fine arts poetics, carefully conceived compositions,
and a drive for perfection. These values deserve mention here,
since young artists who are at the beginning of their own artistic
career tend, not so infrequently, to fall into the trap of extreme
gimmicks of novelty expressed in a weird form which hides
nothing but a terse and superficial artistic message.
Magdalena Bak’s independent approach to art is something that
has evolved only recently. Her diploma work completed in 2000
in the Institute of Fine Arts in the Fine Arts Department at Maria
Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland came in the form
of a series of serigraphs entitled “A za wami głebokie cienie”
[Long Shadows Behind You]. Bak seems to have remained
faithful to the technique employed in her diploma work. This
can be attributed to her professional affiliations – the artist is
employed in the Department of Design graphics and Serigraphy
at MCSU in Lublin – and to the appeal of the technique itself
which has its ardent supporters for at least half a century.
Since the beginning of her artistic career, Magdalena Bak
focuses on selected thematic cycles which allow her to develop
a given motif into sequences, presenting it form various points
of view and, frequently in a confrontational manner, and finally
linking individual works of art into sets with a clearly delineated
leitmotif cleverly captured in the title.
It is this highly precise manner of formulating thoughts,
based on a deliberate placement of signs in an isolated and
yet clearly defined reality that constitutes Magdalena Bak’s
unique characteristics of her art forms. She has the power of
creating art from down to earth objects abstracted from specific
situations and endowed with a highly metaphorical meaning.
Her suggestive works are a reflection of her own reality and
very personal reflections.
These highly suggestive and semantically loaded graphics by
Magdalena Bak suggest a genuine talent in the making and
excellent prospects for the future.
Jerzy zywicki
...FOr eVerYtHING eLse tHere’s masterCarD, 2007
SILkSCREEN 42x31,5 IN. / 120x80 CM.
PaDereWsKI street 10,
2007 SILkSCREEN 42x31,5 IN. / 120x80 CM.
masters of today