Page 90 - Masters
P. 90


                     THOMAS LAMMERS

                     Lives and works in San Andrés Cholula, Puebla, México

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        The photographic series by Thomas Lammers, entitled skin language, is   itself a highly descriptive support while the wavy and intersecting lines
        circumscribed in the field of what could be identified as the visual rhetoric   that  furrow  it,  are  transformed  into  the  arabesque  abstraction  that  is
        of the human body. It is possible to find in each one of the pieces that   complemented and reinforced with the speculated reflection, the modular
        constitute it, a certain formal analogy with the previous proposal made by   division, the repetition of motives, and the distortion of the image. It is the
        Peter greenaway in his film from 1996, The pillow book, because in both   Non-representable, molded in his creation, not to his image, and without
        of them the skin becomes a carrier of the message: it is the canvas for the   resemblance, but as an interrelation and complement, as a fusion.
        lines of one, and it is the page for the characters of the other.  T. Lammers, in skin language, continues, in the same manner, with his
        In skin language, T. Lammers plays with the dissolution of the identity even   process of experimentation with different pictorial and graphic substrata
        if it is the dermis, with its morphologic and anatomic peculiarities, the   as well as with the eroticized handling of its contents. In this series, the
        one that significantly defines the uniqueness of the individual. In an act of   author presents, in simultaneous manner, the gender deconstruction by
        symbolic skinning, T. Lammers transforms the skin, by a digital hardening,   shading and subordinating the primary referents of the woman, and the
        into a flexible membrane which is capable of containing the graphics that   re-elaboration of the femininity by genitalizing the composition, arising an
        in a playful trance, he has shaped in his model’s body.  omnipresent sexuality, if not evident, always latent.
        Due  to  this  and  bringing  up  that  the  ancient  Muslim  forbiddance  of   Line, light, and body are in skin language and in Thomas Lammers the
        divinity, man, and nature has lead us to the development of calligraphy   common denominator.
        and geometry as unique and exalted mechanisms of aesthetic expression.
        The  work  by  T.  Lammers  can  be  described  as  a  figurative  redundancy   Elizabeth Castro Regla, Skin language or the visual rhetoric of the human
        because it offers a dichotomy of matter and meaning, being the skin by   body. Plastic work by Thomas Lammers
         sKIN LaNGUaGe 01, 2006 PHOTOgRAPHY 23x9 IN. / 60x22.5 CM.       sKIN LaNGUaGe 17, 2006 PHOTOgRAPHY 23x7,5 IN. / 60x19,36 CM.   
         sKIN LaNGUaGe 05, 2006 PHOTOgRAPHY 23x12 IN. / 60x29.97 CM.   sKIN LaNGUaGe 18, 2006 PHOTOgRAPHY 23x10 IN. / 60x25.89 CM.   

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