Page 234 - Masters
P. 234
master master
Lives and works in Madison, wisconsin, USA
My name is gary Scott. I was born in
Indiana in 1959 and moved to Madison,
wisconsin in 1988. I immensely enjoy
reading art books and have been a
doodler my whole life. As a youngster I
worked with pencil and paper, drawing
cars, planes, deer, wildlife scenes, and
caricatures. As a young adult I played
with crayon on cloth, then worked
with ink on paper. Now I’m enjoying
paint on canvas. I like acrylics as they
dry fast and clean up easy. I have
been combining acrylics and low-vOC
enamel house paints in my recent art.
It is more cost-effective and I don’t
have the bad odors to deal with.
I find Leonardo da vinci, Picasso,
van gogh, all the Impressionists,
and Jackson Pollack very inspiring. I
especially like the Impressionist style
of painting. I moved from small ink
drawings to paints a few years ago
after reading a couple of books on
Pollack. where Jackson dribbled his
paints, I’m pouring them, and finding
it quite fascinating. I’m intrigued
with technique and am working on
combining a number of techniques
onto one canvas. As well as being
interested in Impressionism, I’m
interested in Pointillism, Surrealism,
Cubism, and abstract art. I like realistic
works as well and sometime intend to
do some, but for now I’m finding more
freedom in other styles.
I feel that my art is currently in its
infancy and that I’m just monkeying
around experimenting with different
techniques but I believe I’ll put together
some really interesting canvases in the
future. I’ve come up with a technique
Bee, 2005 ACRYLIC & LATEx ENAMEL ON CANvAS, 36x36 IN. / 91x91 CM
that’s my own and feel that I’m moving
modern art into a new dimension. I
find creating to be very satisfying and
would be in heaven if I could spend
most of my time painting, so that’s
my goal.
masters of today