Page 236 - Masters
P. 236

master                                                                                                                       master

                     JESSIE PITT

                     Lives and works in Melbourne, Falls Creek, Australia and Austria

        SEARCH THE ARTIST ONLINE           

                                                                              I  have  been  drawing  and  painting  for  as  long  as  I
                                                                              remember, in the last couple of years of high school
                                                                              I focused on art subjects and after school went on
                                                                              to  study  at  the  outer  eastern  college  of  TAFE  in
                                                                              Melbourne, graduating with an associate diploma of
                                                                              visual art majoring in the final year in printmaking.
                                                                              After TAFE I weighed up the options of continuing to
                                                                              study art or to work and travel overseas. I opted for
                                                                              travel and haven't looked back since. I have now for 13
                                                                              years been traveling back and forth between Australia
                                                                              and  Europe.  During  the  whole  time  continuing  to
                                                                              create,  with  six  solo  exhibitions  in  falls  creek  and
                                                                              2 in Sankt Anton am Arlberg. I draw from photos as
                                                                              the way i draw is time consuming and with rapidly
                                                                              changing light and cold temperatures drawing outside
                                                                              is not so practical. I take a lot of photos myself and
                                                                              also  collecting  photos  from  friends  along  the  way.
                                                                              I am fascinated by the effects of light and shadow
                                                                              and  often  find  myself  not  drawing  mountains  but
                                                                              light  and  shadow  that  become  mountains  when  I
                                                                              stand  back,  and  my  drawings  seem  to  come  into
                                                                              focus from a distance and not always right up close.
                                                                              I  find  that  the  natural  beauty  of  our  planet  offers
                                                                              limitless motivation and material to draw, that light
                                                                              and shadow is what defines what we see into shapes
                                                                              and  things  that  we  recognize  and  can  change  the
                                                                              mood and shape of what we see in so many ways.
                                                                              The  media  I  use  is  varied  and  is  often  dictated  by
                                                                              my  transient  lifestyle.  Even  though  I  majored  in
                                                                              printmaking I tend to draw more using materials that
                                                                              are easy to take with me such as drawing ink, various
                                                                              pencils,  compressed  charcoal,  contè,  pastel,  pens
                                                                              and acrylic paint. I find that I am incredibly lucky to
                                                                              be able to combine the things that I love most in life
                                                                              traveling, mountains, art.... it has enabled me to grow
                                                                              and develop as an artist and my art takes on a life of
                                                                              its own developing and moving in different directions
                                                                              so never becoming boring it becomes more an issue
                                                                              of not having enough time!

                                                                                  mONt eVerest, 2006 DRAwINg INk, PASTEL, COMPRESSED
                                                                               CHARCOAL, CONTè ON ACID FREE PAPER 62x42 IN. /159x100 CM.
                                                                                  GLaCIer DU tOUr et L'aIGUILe DU CHarDONNet, 2008
                                                                               PENCIL, PEN ON ACID FREE PAPER 7½x12 IN. /20x30 CM.
                                                                                  UNtItLeD, (KaraKOrUm, PaKIstaN), 2007 ACRYLIC ON
                                                                               CANvAS 18x20 IN. /45,7x61 CM.
                                                                 masters of today
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