Page 230 - Masters
P. 230
Lives and works in Helsinki, Finland
I paint spontaneously and through
intuition - our inner reality is understood
through intuition - and that is why it
is universal. My paintings come from
the unconscious and I believe that the
universal character of my works speaks
to the viewer in a visual language based
on common experience of humanity.
I hope that my paintings “Just feel it”
have the power to touch others at the
same level what I call “the deep mind”.
Let’s meet each other mysteriously
there! Let yourself just feel my painting,
as just you feel it!
Art gives rise to and establishes new
forms of behavior – especially if it is
considered in terms of the process
of communication and the means of
expression. Therefore it is unthinkable
to study a work of art by trying to
ascertain “what is being said, who says
it, to whom and what the effects are.”
In fact art is a form of human activity
which is intended as a confirmation or
exaltation of the artist’s creative skill
and capacity for expression Artists
modify themselves and the natural
environment according to a connection
based on individual or social needs of a
logical or moral nature.
Through the qualities of a work of art
that one should find the definition and
realization of the nature and originality
of the artist, with constant reference to
a general conception of the technical
and stylistic particularities of the ideas
developed by the artist in time.
JUst FeeL It 8,
2006 OIL ON LINEN 21,5x18 IN. / 55x46 CM.
JUst FeeL It 5,
2004 OIL ON LINEN 18x21,5 IN. / 46x55 CM.
masters of today