Page 217 - Masters
P. 217
Jessica’s own light has not been kept under a barrel. Having exhibited in
oils and pastels from juried exhibitions around the US. She is also a signature
ten museums around the United States, most recently The Butler Institute by Freedman Fine Art, Chicago. Ms Fine has garnered over 40 awards for her
of American Art, “Pastel Society of America Invitational”. She has received member of the Pastel Society of America, NY, the Degas Pastel Society, LA
the Award of Excellence and the Peoples Choice Award at the Elmhurst and the Pastel Society of the west Coast, CA. Her organizational skills are
Museum, and two awards at the National Arts Club in New York. Here put to the test, as well, as President of the Chicago Pastel Painters. She has
in Chicago, she was included in the “Chicago Images” Exhibition at the membership in the Chicago Society of Artists which will include her work
Frederick Baker gallery. She has been published in Art in America, American in their soon to be published book on the history of the group.
Artist, the Pastel Journal and The Artist’s Magazine. She has appeared on “To see the joy of the viewer traveling around my picture plane, enjoying
television several times, demonstrating her technique. She is represented the journey, and revisiting; that is what keeps me painting.”
DaDDY’s BOY, 2007 PASTEL OvER w/C 22x28 IN. / 55x71 CM.
masters of today