Page 214 - Masters
P. 214


                     VAN QUE

                     Lives and works in Les Pennes Mirabeau, France

        SEARCH THE ARTIST ONLINE            

                                                                        vAN qUE – A BORN-PAINTER: No system! Simply, he speaks
                                                                        of love. Marked by a prodigious eclecticism, both enthusiastic
                                                                        and  modest,  as  if  he  felt  some  limits  to  his  knowledge,
                                                                        whereas precisely his culture, his skill ans his spontaneity as
                                                                        a born-painter allow him to know no limitations, save those
                                                                        imposed by his beloved independance, which he protects,
                                                                        knowing himself as well as he knows how to probe the world
                                                                        in which he moves about. An altruist and a loner at the same
                                                                        time.  [1]    vAN  qUE’s  thorough  knowledge  (acquired  at  the
                                                                        school of Fine Arts in Hanoi, then that of Toulouse, has freed
                                                                        him  from  the  strict  rules  of  elaboration,  so  much  so  that
                                                                        his creation strikes us as exceptionally spontaneous. Upon
                                                                        discovering his work, the first emotion felt is of a poetical
                                                                        nature:  the  plastic  beauty  of  his  composition,  the  graphic
                                                                        laws,  the  fermal  laws  of  construction  only  appear  later  as
                                                                        a  result  of  voluntary  scruting.  His  skill  satisfies  whimsical
                                                                        sensations and the pictorial vocabulary adapts itself to the
                                                                        general stylistic effects.  vAN qUE appears as an extremely
                                                                        sentitive  and  receptive  being  ready  to  capture  poetry
                                                                        whenever a poet only can grasp it. [2]  when one visits vAN
                                                                        qUE’s exhibition, one is on an equal footing with the reality
                                                                        of  painting  and  one  is  given  a  lesson  in  simplicity.  That’s
                                                                        what painting is all about: no tricks, no clunsiness. what can
                                                                        be found is the abvious translation of a painted space on a
                                                                        human scale. vAN qUE’s power to thus render reality is due
                                                                        to the patient skillfulness of his art and his vision organized
                                                                        along  the  lines  of  his  craft.  [3]  No  system,  however,  will
                                                                        give us the key to his work.vAN qUE is the exact opposite
                                                                        of a painter with recipes: he even seems to avoid whatever
                                                                        could be taken for a repetition... one would look in vain for
                                                                        a mannerism or a mania. His works, just as beloved women
                                                                        and landscapes, do not belong to that category that fades
                                                                        away after a few glances: they are an invitation to diagogue,
                                                                        second  looks,  progression,  endearment,  a  passage  from
                                                                        strangeness to appeal, from appeal to familarity. Simply, they
                                                                        speak of love. [4]
                                                                         [1] Raymond MALLET- Le courrier d’Aix 1983.  [2] Aline DINIER – Aline
                                                                        DINIER La dépêche du Midi 1973.  [3] x. (Professor of Fine Art School
                                                                        LUMINI, Marseille) La Marseillaise 1974.  [4] Fernand FARIOLI – Le
                                                                        Provençal d’Aix 1994.

                                                                              La Detresse I, 1978 OIL ON CANvAS 31x21 IN. / 81x54 CM.
                                                                 masters of today
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