Page 220 - Masters
P. 220
Lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark
Educated Royal Danish Academy in Copenhagen, works with painting
after models in a searching for the pure figurative painting. In
some years destructing the naturalistic look to find the very simple
form like old Etruscan votive sculptures, also seen as giacometti
figures. I have always been drawing a lot (with both hands) and to
get familiar with the form of the body, so I can make the painting
without drawing on the canvas but lately the expression of pure
colors in a nearly flat space is what interests me.
As a young artist I was very obsessed with erotic and became a
little famous then, but later it has been a long struggle with just
figure painting, mainly female but some men too, feeling that very
few of the important artists were doing this chapter in art, there
was a great unexploited area to search in, and I hope to have found
something new.
mONe IN NeON, 2007 OIL ON CANvAS 40x50 IN. /100x120 CM.
NOrI IN VIOLet, 2007 OIL ON CANvAS 40x50 IN. /100x120 CM.
NOrI IN reD, 2007 OIL ON CANvAS 25x32 IN. /65x82 CM.
NOrI IN YeLLOW, 2007 OIL ON CANvAS 40x50 IN. /100x120 CM.
masters of today