Page 178 - Masters
P. 178


                     dARYA IVANOVSkAYA

                     Lives and works in Minsk, Belarus

        SEARCH THE ARTIST ONLINE          

                                                                It is not frequent for one to be able to express desires with words and
                                                                actions.At times, it is easier to attempt this with imagery in paintings.
                                                                To capture the attention of a person, busy running through life, just to
                                                                unveil another’s life. A portion of my work is directed simply to making
                                                                a person happy and at ease. Some works deliberately ask the familiar
                                                                questions and address problems of the inner self, such as, what composes
                                                                the meaning of life at its core, surrounded by hectic rhythm – eternity,
                                                                true happiness, loneliness?

                                                                These  are  works  of  discovery,  not  answers  to  questions.    More  so  a
                                                                dialogue with the audience. But of course, some day, through my work,
                                                                I would like to portray light, outlet, beauty.

                                                                 YOU WILL Be BeaUtIFUL, 2002 PRINTED COTTON /MIxED MEDIA 35x23 IN. / 90x60 CM.
                                                                 UNtItLeD, 2000 MIxED MEDIA ON CANvAS 29x25 IN. / 75x65 CM.  
                                                                 HarmONY, 2001 OIL ON CANvAS 25x17 IN. / 65x45 CM.    HOW WONDerFUL
                                                                tHe WOrLD Is, taKe a LOOK , 2001 OIL ON CANvAS 47x31 IN. /120x80 CM.

                                                                 masters of today
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