Page 101 - Masters
P. 101


                     ÁRPÁd dARAdICS

                     Lives and works in Budapest, Hungary


                                                                            PRIzE OF ExCELLENCE /  AwARD OF DISTINCTION.  meDIaL 1. art BIeN-
                                                                            NIaL. ONLINE gLOBAL ART BIENNIAL [2007]   artaDDICtION.Net

                                                                            “Objects, people, and ideas do not change over time, what
                                                                            changes is the way we see, observe, and understand them”,
                                                                            believes Arpad Daradics. The artist works with drawing,
                                                                            computer, photography, painting, sculpture and site works
                                                                            also. His graphics fascinate men, and women trough their
                                                                            aggressive irony, and thought-provoking ideas. The artist
                                                                            uses  old  photographs  from  the  past  two  centuries.  The
                                                                            designs  of  bright  paint  on  darker  backgrounds  create
                                                                            themes  by  shocking  the  viewer  with  the  intensity  of
                                                                            emotions  it  radiates.  Daradics’s  works  are  full  of  irony
                                                                            that  strongly  judges  past  problems  and  their  solutions,
                                                                            yet unmasks our false inner models of the past. Daradics
                                                                            became known in 2002 with his Red Stories. He breaks up
                                                                            the minimalist composition of pictures with very typical
                                                                            motives  of  his  works,  and  colors  that  leave  the  viewer
                                                                            wondering.  The  extreme  combination  of  pictures  of  old
                                                                            habits  and  mentality,  with  designs  of  modern  way  of
                                                                            thinking and perception, brings a different understanding
                                                                            to every individual. For example the innocent image of Red
                                                                            lambs is an ironical self-reflection of our intolerance the
                                                                            peaceful violence and a reminder of something about which
                                                                            we should not speak. The out speaking of his pictures are
                                                                            surprising, only the mild deviations in their shapes suggest
                                                                            that  we  are  dealing  with  non-reality  within  our  artificial
                                                                            world. He is an author with a sharp ironical gaze, unmasking
                                                                            without sentiment, our hypocritical consciousness, which
                                                                            excludes the unpleasant and idealizes our own false inner
                                                                            models. The Red nose, the Speaker or the Big Soup titled
                                                                            works can be perceived as an irony of power icons and
                                                                            social idols. Daradics is also a spontaneous and sensitive
                                                                            artist, and his subversive humor exposes us to a process pf
                                                                            purging. The spontaneous graphics seem to be reminders
                                                                            of things, thoughts, and ideas that might be unacceptable
                                                                            to be spoken of. Makes us aware that things do not change
                                                                            that much; it is only we who reassess our viewpoints and
                                                                            change the lenses of our seeing. The absurdity of his images
                                                                            rescues reality where, under the sediment of conventions,
                                                                            it slips away.

                                                                            PaGaN tImes serIes, 2004 INSTALLATION ART  (MATERIAL
                                                                           INTERvENTION : SIMULATED LEATHER),  23x23 FT. / 700x700 CM.
                                                                            memOrY stILL 24,  2006 NEw MEDIA, C-PRINT 78x31 IN. / 200x80 CM.
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