Page 98 - Masters
P. 98


                     TAMARA TARASIEWICz

                     Lives and works in Chicago, USA


        The  current  work  encompasses  both  the  abstract  paintings  of  the   spontaneous, free use of color. In the viewer’s euphoric reaction, the
        series windows to Nature and the imagistic canvases of Spirituality. The   sound of color, is the inner world made visible. In all of the work, the
        former group suggests the realm of the intellect, a garden that balances   process is intuitive, but under strict conscious control. Although no
        growth, order, and geometry. In Spirituality, the rows of round forms   sketches are used, the artist has a vision in mind of the process of the
        have morphed into the outlines of figures in an active organic space.  paintings from beginning to end.
        In  Spirituality,  the  figures  retain  a  connection  to  life,  while  their   A work begins with the artist painting random patches of color on the
        forms  have  become  less  substantial.  Although  they  may  appear  as   canvas with acrylic and metallic pigment, and ceramic paste. Next, the
        just outlines, they are part of the vibrating energy around them. The   canvas is placed on the floor and acrylic and oil paint are squeezed
        artist seeks to depict both the visible material world and also invisible   from tubes, and liquid acrylic is poured, creating the outlines of people,
        dimensions,  such  as  thoughts,  dreams,  emotions,  imaginations.  In   animals, plants, and other imagined forms. Brushes and wooden sticks
        these paintings, there is an evocation of spiritual feelings and a sense   are used, along with scratching and textures.
        of our passage through this existence, the entrance into a non-material   Running through the artist’s work is her concern with the visual and
        world, and the continuity after life.                    emotional poetry of painting. Her focus is on the process of continual
        In  both  groups  of  paintings  is  the  artist’s  use  of  simple  forms  and   invention. The message is the freedom to imagine and express. It is the
        lines that are both strong and mysterious, translating onto canvas her   artist’s intention for the viewers looking at her art to experience their
        thoughts and observations on the life that surrounds her. There is a   own vision, complex feelings, and positive attitude toward life.
                                                                                                         John Mendelsohn

         FIsHING, 2007 ACRYLIC AND OIL ON CANvAS 147x172 CM. / 58x68 IN.   rIDers, 2007 ACRYLIC AND OIL ON CANvAS 147x172 CM. / 58x68 IN.

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