Page 142 - Genius
P. 142
ClariCe gonçalVeS
lives and works in Taguatinga DF, brazil
The painting whispers traces of characters that revive inside of now. I started to paint at twelve years old, as a child I've already begun
Ancestral memories of human race, some of what is conventional to to represent women, beauty contests, and clothing, asking my
call female but that is inherent to every human being. Continuities mother and grandmother to choose the most beautiful ones. I also
and/or cultural dominance. Domestic landscapes of everyday life liked to draw my mother in her most static moment: watching Tv,
lived and imagined. her looking far away, after a long day of work, she was staring to
the screen, but I was feeling so close from her, It was a moment of
having her "only for me", capturing her image kept in my child world.
tHroUGH tHe DarK DeptHs oF GroWtH (atraVés Das teneBrosas
proFUnDiDaDes Do CresCimento), 2010 OIl ON CANvAS 20x60 IN. /50x150 CM.
FormeD in DeniaL oF animaLity (FormaDo na neGaÇão Da
animaLiDaDe), 2010 OIl ON CANvAS 31,5x31,5 IN. /80x80 CM.
WitHoUt FeeLinG reQUireD (sem LHa sentir neCessÁria), 2010 OIl ON
CANvAS 27,5x27,5 IN. /70x70 CM.
tHe HaBit oF moVinG at Certain times oF tHe Day (o HÁBito De se moVer
em Certas Horas Do Dia), 2010 OIl ON CANvAS 100x120 CM.