Page 138 - Genius
P. 138

VinogradoV a.P

                                                                                                It is in a singular journey
                                                                                                that invites us the work of
                                                                                                vinogradov A.P.: not that
                                                                                                it is a question of avoiding
                                                                                                the everyday nature, but of
                                                                                                transfiguring it by revealing of
                                                                                                a secret beauty. An enchanted
                                                                                                world is then offered to us
                                                                                                as  in  a  spectacular  where
                                                                                                the familiar and common
                                                                                                things get involved in the
                                                                                                supernatural.  by the genius
                                                                                                of metamorphosis the most
                                                                                                humble reality becomes magic,
                                                                                                what was supposed to be
                                                                                                boring becomes charming; and
                                                                                                when this reality will disappear
                                                                                                forever we shall even feel the
                                                                                                At the same time as his pictorial
                                                                                                work, vinogradov A.P. pursues
                                                                                                his architect's activities.
                                                                                                Fight against stereot ypes
                                                                                                always more intrusive, bring
                                                                                                t h e im a g inat io n a n d t h e
                                                                                                phantasmagoria in the common
                                                                                                world by embodying them in
                                                                                                the architectural forms - such
                                                                                                is the fundamental project of
                                                                                                vinogradov A.P. -  architect.
                                                                                                That is why he shares his
                                                                                                time between painting and
                                                                                                architecture to retie between
                                                                                                these arts a link which should
                                                                                                never have been broken.

                                                                                                    Cat mUrr, 1985 FEATHEr, INk
                                                                                                ON PAPEr 20x23 IN. /50x60 CM.
                                                                                                 man-tHeater, 2006 TEMPErA, OIl,
                                                                                                   ACrylIC 23x31 IN. /60x80 CM.   
                                                                                                VesseL, 1990 TEMPErA, OIl, ACrylIC
                                                                                                       60x47 IN. /150x120 CM.   
                                                                                                mosCoW taLe, 2007 ACrylIC 23x31
                                                                                                            IN. /60x80 CM.   
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