Page 122 - Famous
P. 122


                     Lives and works in Florence, Italy
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        Eloise Ghioni was born in Locarno ( Switzerland ) on the 20th of January, 1978.   colors. The lit colors, and the use of their brightness on the color pallet, testify
        She graduated at the School of Art in Omegna (Verbania), then continued   a considerable sensibility of color. The echo of the ‘dripping technique’, dear to
        her studies at the I.S.I.A (the Advanced Institute for the Artistic Industries)   the representatives of ‘action painting’ shown in her paintings is clearer and
        in Florence, where she concentrated on Design. Thanks to her exceptional   lacking of the dark atmosphere of some informal environments. Across the
        natural creativity, she experimented with every kind artistic expression:   experimentation of color research her work transmits freshness and positivism,
        painting,  sculpture, graphics, illustration, Industrial Design, modeling (creation   to my opinion an expression of a joyful inner universe. The work of Eloise Ghioni
        of dresses and accessories); all these different experiences together with   offers mainly three large fields that persuade to reflection after that pleasure
        her strong artistic sensibility make Eloise an interesting artist to discover.   has been derived from the site of the paintings, turns to meditation. The first
        Her pictorial journey took off again, after a  long break dedicated to other   one is the integrity of a pictorial sight, conceived and realized in unambiguous
        activities, starting with the synthesis of “Rimpa Art” style (Japanese movement   sense towards the figurative and evocative abstraction of the subjects. The
        in the Edo period 1600-1868), until elaborating a style very similar to “Action   second sticks to the presence, in the morphological creations, of a poetic,
        Painting” With her work, the artist offers a different conception of painting,   metaphysical and allegorical valence, discretely harasses in the painting that
        intended as a combination of variable constants: the color with it’s viscosity,   already actual principle of essence of the poetry. The third one is turned to
        shine and texture is the main component of the picture; the support (the   the analysis of the color palette, characterized by the almost complete use of
        canvas) is the physical scene where this interaction takes place; only during   brilliant and shining colors that enchant the user with the energy imprinted in
        the precise act of painting do the color and the canvas interact together, like   the paintings. Conclusion, the painting of Eloise Ghioni reveals us that behind
        two equal opposing forces that compensate each other. The paintings of   the changeable appearance there is what she made us think: a bright beauty
        Eloise Ghioni are really original, especially in the search for the expression of   that makes a moment eternal.

                                                                       MOBI, 2005 MIXED TECHNIQUE ON CANVAS 40X40 IN. /100X100 CM.
                                                                       MODULO 00, 2005 ACRYLIC AND CHALK ON WOOD 16X16 IN. /40X40 CM.
                                                                   MODULO 02, 2005 ACRYLIC AND CHALK ON WOOD 16X16 IN. /40X40 CM.         

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