Page 126 - Famous
P. 126


                     Lives and works in the Hague, The Netherlands and Antwerp, Belgium
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        Powerpainter:  Eternally  searching for a universal  language, Marcus   The paintings contain an ever present mystical overtone that draws us
        describes his inner urge to paint as his ultimate passion. Derived by the   unwillingly into his surreal dimension. Each new painting is regarded by
        inspiration of life and the bizarre times he finds himself a part of. Born   Marcus as a fresh challenge; anything is possible and likely in his vision.
        and raised in the Hague, he has been expressing himself through his art   Alltough no two paintings by Marcus are alike, his undeniable style is ever
        since he was old enough to hold a pen... Marcus desire to transform the   recognizable through his dream-like reality. The language spoken weaves
        beholder and elevate them from reality is surely fulfilled through his work.   a tale of modern symbolism highlighted by his explosive usage of color.
        Multiple dimensions mingle and intertwine to create a psychedelic nature   Fnurkus ARTvark , lover of the bizarre...
        where mysticism and humor depicted side by side illustrate his reality.   Agent: SAG contemporary art agency

                                                        DENGA, DONGA AND THE DENKINATOR, 2003 ACRYLIC ON CANVAS 55X55 IN. / 140X140 CM.        
                                                          EMOTIONAL LANDSCAPE, 1999 ACRYLIC ON CANVAS 40X40 IN. / 100X100 CM.
                                                                   VISAGE AU FROMAGE, 2001 ACRYLIC ON CANVAS 32X47½ IN. / 80X120 CM.       

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