Page 24 - ART NOW Internationally Recognized Artists
P. 24

          art now             Lives and works in Columbia, MD, United States of America


            “Chromatography of the Soul: Carol Carpenter’s Artistic Odyssey”
            Creating art, the heartbeat of existence. It pulses with passion, dances
            with spontaneity, and whispers secrets only the soul comprehends. For
            Carol Carpenter, this life force courses through her veins, urging her to
            translate the ineffable into vivid strokes and saturated hues.
            Born in the USA, Carol’s story begins on American soil, where the sun
            kisses prairies and skyscrapers alike. An award-winning artist, she has
            graced galleries and museums across continents. But her canvas extends
            beyond borders, it’s a passport to the human experience.
            Intuitive Alchemy: Carol wields her brush like a diviner’s wand. Intuition
            guides her hand, leading her through experimental processes. Her
            palette, saturated, almost defiant, holds the promise of revelation.
            Organic art  blooms  under  her  touch,  each  stroke  a  conversation
            between pigment and spirit.

                                                                   Nature’s Whispers: The beauty of nature is her muse. Carol listens to the
                                                                   rustle of leaves, the rhythm of tides, and the symphony of seasons. Color
                                                                   becomes her language, a bridge between reality and imagination. In her
                                                                   studio, she conjures forests and oceans, sunsets and storms. The canvas
                                                                   becomes a portal, inviting viewers to step through.
                                                                   A Dynamic Visual Language: Her compositions are not mere arrangements;
                                                                   they’re dialogues. Geometry dances with abstraction, textures hum secrets,
                                                                   and color, oh, color, holds the reins. Carol invites viewers to explore, to
                                                                  art now
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