Page 26 - ART NOW Internationally Recognized Artists
P. 26

          art now             Lives and works in Hong Kong


            Chan Suk On has an urge to crack down on this black box of her camera.
            What's the secret inside the camera? She used a lot of strength to   Emotions fluctuate every day. She reorganized photographic equipment
                                                                   to create different facial expressions. The images are beyond words.
            loosen the screws to satisfy her curiosity. She discovered the small   Using different emojis is the king of the era. Emoticon describes and
            parts inside and revealed the unknown things hidden in the camera.   shows facial expressions. This is a portrait of a person without a name,
            There is no connection between parts and parts. They are composed   it can be everyone or anyone. People have no distinction of gender, age,
            of irregular shapes which are based on different functions. When   class, wealth, and dress code. These photos show the mental state of
            every small part is disassembled, like an anatomical picture and has   an era. In society, communication often uses emojis in social media. It
            no function. Loose Pieces" present when the object has no functions,   is quick and convenient. This subculture has penetrated social media.
            does it still have value? Its beauty naturally emerges. This arrangement   Portraiture uses a white background, and the visual elements mainly
            is simple and neat, it refers to the external incompleteness, irregular   use irregular shapes of loose pieces to represent the eyes and
            shape, simplicity, minimalism, without too much modification, and the   mouth. All of them are close-up shots. The materials are mainly metal
            pursuit of inner peace and indifference. Untie the parts and deconstruct   materials, for orderly arrangement. Making the objects have a character
            them, let the objects display and breathe naturally, and appreciate the   with humanity. Improvisation is a mode of creation. The composition
            craftsmanship of the creator.                          is graphical, concise, tough, and humorous.

             Loose Pieces (F80 film camera) 02, 2024 Color Photography 70X50 cm.   Loose Pieces (F80 film camera) 03, 2024 Color Photography 70X50 cm.
            Loose Pieces (F80 film camera) 08, 2024 Color Photography 70X50 cm.  Loose Pieces Container 08, 2024 Color Photography 70X50 cm.
            Loose Pieces (F80 film camera) 09, 2024 Color Photography 70X50 cm.   Loose Pieces Container 09, 2024 Color Photography 70X50 cm.
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